You don't have to be a kid to get super excited when you see a gorgeous marble in an antique shop or listed online. There's so much beauty and magic in these intricate glass designs; but figuring out what's what can be a bit confusing. If you want to know more about the various types of collector marbles and their values, you've come to the right place.
Use this guide to help you determine which marbles you want to collect and which old marbles are worth money—sometimes lots of money. Knowledge is power, and the more you know about which valuable vintage marbles to look for, the more you can collect with confidence.
Antique & Vintage Marble Values
These bits of glass are small but mighty when it comes to just how valuable antique and vintage marbles can be. While prices vary depending on materials, condition, age, design, and more, it's wild to think there's actually an old marble so valuable that someone might pay hundreds of dollars for it. But as this vintage marble value chart shows, a few rare old marbles are worth a lot of money. Maybe it's time to check that stash of old marbles you keep in an even older sock in your attic.
Types of Vintage Marbles | Approximate Values |
Solid Core Swirl | $15-$200 |
Divided Ribbon Core Swirl | $10-$75 |
Latticino Core Swirl | ~$100+ |
Ribbon Core Swirl | $5-$200 |
Coreless/Banded Swirl | $10-$200 |
Clambroth | $20-$350 |
Indian | $5-$50 |
Lutz | $50-$350 |
End-of-Day | $50-$1,500 |
Sulphide | ~$300 |
Akro Agate Company | <$20 |
Aggies | <$20 |
Bennington | $20-$30 |
Steelies | <$5 |
Types of Handmade Glass Collector Marbles
As you browse stores and online shops, you'll find that handmade collector marbles come in a wide range of types and designs. Not all handmade marbles are glass, since the most ancient marbles were made of clay. However, glass designs are among the most collectible and beautiful. A few of the vast types of handmade glass marbles include swirls, end of days, banded opaques, clambroths, Indians, lutzes, sulphides, and moonies.

Some types of old marbles have subtypes that collectors covet, and they're amazing to behold. There are many types of swirl marbles, for example. Each vintage marble design has particular attributes that define them and make them a hot (and pretty expensive) collectible.
Solid-Core Swirl Marbles
A core swirl marble features inner swirls of color within a base of colored marble. These swirls are created by the different colored canes getting twisted together.
The solid-core swirl marble has a clear base, but the spacing of the one-colored or several-colored bands/strands is closely packed together. You won't see any clear spaces within this classic marble's core.
How to Determine Solid-Core Swirl Marble Values
Most solid-core swirls have outer layers of bands/strands. If you have a naked (without the outer layer) solid core swirl marble, or if the base is colored, you're sitting pretty. That's a rare deviation in your hands.
Many vintage solid-core swirl marbles sell between $15 to $50. Some other factors that make them more valuable include:
- Larger size (like a shooter marble)
- Pristine condition
- Rare colors
For instance, a large antique solid-core swirl with a rare white core and yellow swirls sold for over $200 in 2022.
Divided Ribbon-Core Swirls Marbles
The divided ribbon-core swirl marble comes together with three, sometimes more, separate bands. The bands form a core with clear spaces in between each individual band, and these swirls feature a noticeable outer layer of bands/strands.
How to Determine Divided Ribbon-Core Swirl Values
A few things can determine a divided ribbon-core swirl marble's value. The better the outer bands duplicate core spaces, the more prized the marble is. So, five to six bands are rarer than a three- to four-banded core.
Once again, size and condition are also important, as are finding any examples in rare colors. Most divided ribbon-core swirl marbles sell for about $10 to $40, but some are much more valuable. For example, a large divided four-ribbon core marble sold for around $65 due to its size, condition, and number of bands.
Latticinio-Core Swirl Marbles

Like the name implies, this marble design features a lattice-shaped core. The most common lattice color is white, although rarer latticinio marbles are orange, yellow, and green with other bands/strands.
How to Determine Latticinio-Core Swirl Marble Values
Despite being so beautifully designed, an excellent condition white lattice marble will only sell for around $10 to $40. In comparison, a yellow latticino swirl will usually sell for more, sometimes around $25 to $60.
In addition to the color of the lattice, a number of factors can affect this type of vintage marble's value. Some of these include:
- Direction of the swirl. One of the rarest latticinio-core swirl marbles is a left hand twist.
- Core colors. A latticinio-core swirl marble with a red or blue core is one of the rarest designs and a pretty pricey marble.
- Swirl layers. Rarer specimens feature four and five layers of swirls.
Couple these characteristics together, and you'll rack up a nice price tag. For example, one with a red and blue stripes and a white lattice core sold for over $160.
Ribbon-Core Swirl Marbles
Ribbon-core swirl marbles feature wide swirls with the core ribbon created by several strands of one color, although some may feature several colors. For all the swirls that're present, the center color band is typically flat.
How to Evaluate Ribbon-Core Swirl Values
The ribbon-core swirl can feature outer-ribbon swirls or have no outer-ribbon swirls (aka be naked). The most common ribbon-core swirl marbles feature a double ribbon core. This makes the single ribbon core rarer and harder to find.
Other factors affecting value include their size, color combination, and condition. Most ribbon-core swirls sell for between $5 and $25, but some special marbles can fetch more. For instance, a ribbon-core swirl with a rare pink and white color combination sold for almost $200.
Coreless or Banded-Swirl Marbles

A coreless or banded-swirl marble features outer strands/bands of swirls. Unlike many of the vintage marbles on this list, the core doesn't have any swirls. Meanwhile, the marble's base is usually clear, green, or blue.
Multiple Coreless or Banded-Swirl Marble Values
The swirls are usually different colors, and the more swirly colors you see, the more valuable it is. These marbles with no spaces between the colors are the most prized as collectibles.
Check out these banded-swirl marbles to get a better look at how well different characteristics perform at auction:
- Joseph's Coat Marble: Joseph's coat is a pattern that features bands around a clear or colored base with thin swirls tightly packed with no space in-between them. Mint condition Joseph's Coat marbles sell for as much as $200, and an average specimen sold for around $60.
- Gooseberry Swirl Marble: Gooseberry swirl is another pattern that collectors love. The base glass is usually amber colored and features clear swirls equally spaced to white subsurface bands. The rarer base glass colors are green, blue, or clear. Despite collector demand, they tend to only sell for about $10 to $30.
- Peppermint Swirl Marble: Peppermint swirl features subsurface strands/bands of two opaque/white wide bands with two to three intermittent pink stripes that alternate with blue stripes. The blue stripes are usually thinner, but they can be wide. A mint condition Peppermint Swirl marble sold for around $150.
Banded Opaque Marbles

A banded opaque marble features an opaque base with a colored swirl. Typically, these opaque marbles come with single-colored swirls but, keep your eyes peeled for the rare multi-colored ones. From unique, inexpensive Indian marbles to valuable lutzes, here are some of the most noteworthy vintage banded opaque marbles you might come across.
Rare, Clambroth Marbles
A clambroth marble is made of hard and soft glass and features an opaque base with swirls of eight to eighteen bands/strands equally spaced a part. This marble is a very rare find and can be worth quite a lot money. Most sell for between $20 to $60, but those with rare colors and lots of bands can be extremely valuable. For instance, a clambroth marble with white stripes on a black base sold for around $350.
Indian Marbles
The Indian marble typically has a black opaque base with colored bands/strands and mica flecks. The swirls you see always run from one pole to the other. And these marbles are worth a nice chunk of change. Such as this black opaque Indian marble with colored bands that sold for around $50 online.
The End-of-Day Indian marble is a rare type that features broken, stretched flecks.
Lutz Marbles
Lutz marbles, a type of handmade German marble, features finely ground copper flakes or goldstone within the transparent clear base glass. It's these coppery flecks that give the marble its shine. But if you find a lutz with a transparent colored base, you've stumbled across a rare find.
Some lutz marble designs to look for are:
- Banded lutz marbles: Banded lutz marbles have a colored glass base with two sets of double bands featuring white opaque band/strand edgings. Recently, a banded opaque lutz marble sold for around $270.
- Onionskin lutz marbles: These marbles feature fiery lutz bands and often lutz flakes at the core. One of these onionskin lutz marbles sold for around $125 online.
- Ribbon lutz marbles: Ribbon lutz marbles feature lutz edging along a naked single or double ribbon-core swirl. A transparent ribbon lutz marble with minimal wear sold for around $40 on eBay recently.
- Mist lutz: Mist lutz is a clear base marble with a transparent colored core. Lutz flakes form a layer below the marble surface, and lutz flakes float between the core and that layer, too. A very rare black mist lutz marble recently sold for around $325 on eBay.
Unique Vintage Marbles to Collect
In the vintage marble collecting world, there are so many distinct design categories that it'd be impossible to cover them all. However, there are a handful of unique vintage marble designs you should get familiar with.
End-of-Day Marbles
End-of-day marbles are pretty unique because they were made out of the leftover glass bits and pieces that were left at the end of the day. These marbles weren't marketed for regular sale and ended up as giveaways to the glassworkers' children. Since these marbles were made from scraps, each one came out with a one-of-a-kind design.
Specifically, end-of-day marbles were made with bases that were either transparent or colored. They came in both core and coreless varieties, though the cored ones weren't too complex, having been made out of simple flecks of colorful glass bits.
Here are a few specific end-of-day marbles to watch out for:
- End-of-day clouds: This marble features either a transparent base with a colored base core or a coreless base with colored flecks. One end-of-day cloud marble sold for around $50.
- End-of-day mist: This marble has transparent/translucent bases and colored flecks with colored transparent bands encasing the entire marble. You'll need to keep a close watch for this one to come up at auction.
- End-of-day paneled onionskin marbles: This marble features two stretched panels and two panels of flecks. Marbles with less than four panels are rare. A paneled end-of-day onionskin marble that was very old and large sold for a shocking $1,703.78.
Rare, Submarine Marbles
The submarine marble is a mix of several styles, such as flecks, panels, and other features. But, for all these variations, it always has a transparent base glass. If you're looking for a rare—but inexpensive—vintage marble, the submarine is the one for you. For example, this translucent green submarine marble sold for around $25.
Sulphide Marbles
A sulphide marble features a transparent base with a figurine centered inside the marble. These figurines are often animals, humans (bust or full body), flowers, or other objects. The figurines were once thought to be made of sulphur, but they're actually made out of clay. Some of the rarest sulphide marbles contain two figures and are known as "doubles." These marbles do well at auction, like this vintage sulphide camel marble which sold for around $300.
Akro Agate Company Marbles
The Akro Agate Company created many marbles that are now highly collectible. These were made from an opalescent glass which the company dubbed 'opals'. Today, collectors refer to these marbles as flinties and moonies. Other names include corkscrews, cat's eye, popeye, brick, beach ball etc. They're pretty cheap, with one of these rainbow corkscrew marble selling for around $18.
Aggies are marbles that are specifically made from agate. But over time, aggies became a common name for almost any type of stone marble. Many times, aggies were colored with mineral dyes to create a range that spanned green, blue, black, gray, and yellow. Recently, one banded carnelian aggie marble sold for around $19.
Bennington and China Marbles
Interestingly, the past isn't always that far away. In ancient Rome, marbles were made out of clay, and centuries later, many companies made cheap marble designs out of clay, too. One of these was the bennington marbles, which were made from salt-glazed clay. The glaze created what are called little eyes (pits). A group of vintage Bennington clay marbles sold for around $34.
Similarly, china marbles were made from dense white clay and were painted with colorful designs. Of the types of clay marbles, the china marbles are considered very collectible. Although collectors love to add them to their collections, you can find them listed for relatively low prices. For example, a vintage china marble sold for about $13.
A popular must-have for any old-school marble player was the steelie. These novelty marbles weren't marbles at all but ball bearings repurposed into marbles. Because they weren't hand blown, they're not that valuable. In fact, a group of several vintage steelies only sold for around $6.
Other Types of Handmade Glass Marbles
There are other types of handmade glass marbles that don't follow average design rules. These include:
- Clearie marbles: A clearie marble is made from one transparent color. A handmade clearie sold for around $5.
- Mica marbles: A mica marble is made from a transparent glass base and features mica flakes inside. A vintage mica marble sold for around $80.
- Opaque marbles: An opaque marble is made from one opaque color. A Christensen opaque marble sold for around $180.
What Marbles Are Worth Money?
There's one thing to keep in mind with any collectible: what's selling for top dollar can change at the buyer's whim. Ultimately, collectible marbles are only valuable so long as there's someone willing to pay for them. This is what makes rare marbles like the end-of-day paneled onionskin particularly valuable; you won't find them in everyone's collection.
Similarly, age and condition to play a factor in what buyers are willing to spend. But at the end of the day, vintage marbles are only worth a lot of money when they're rare.
Collectible Marbles Throughout History
Making and playing marbles as a pastime is a tradition that stretches back to antiquity—Ancient Rome to be exact. Yet, over hundreds of years, these little round glass balls haven't completely faded into obscurity.
Ancient Roman Marbles

High-quality marbles have been around in some form since the Roman Empire. Various Roman writers mention marbles throughout their works, and archaeological digs have uncovered early marbles made from clay and baked in primitive ovens. These marbles often had markings to distinguish them as belonging to one person, and they were used in all types of games.
Antique German Marbles
Over the next several hundred years, artisans upgraded the boring clay marbles and fashioned them out of wood, stone, and other materials. These marbles had to be cut and molded by hand, which made them more expensive than average people could afford. In 1848, German glassblower Elias Johann Christoph Simon Carl Greiner created a more efficient method for making marbles out of glass. He developed a tool, called a marble scissors, that would allow him to make marbles quickly so that they could be sold to the public.
American Marbles
The United States became a hot marble market in the 19th and early 20th centuries, but it took a downturn when World War I sanctions ended German imports. American glassblowers stepped in to find a way to mass produce marbles. Hot off the industrial revolution, they developed machinery to do it, and manufacturers still use these machines today.
3 Tips for Judging Collectible Marbles
Collector marbles come in all sizes. Though the standard used in children's play is about one-half inch in diameter, marbles do come in many other sizes as well. When you're collecting marbles, though, you're less concerned about their performance and more about the designs available.
If you're collecting marbles for the first time, consider these three factors when judging marbles on your own.
Marbles are worth more money when they're completely round. Achieving this perfect shape takes skill, and when it's present in older marbles, it indicates the amount of time an artisan put into making the toy. More time equals a better shape and a higher value. With newer models, perfectly round marbles add to value. Because marbles are machine made, they start out round but can get chipped over time, and their roundness isn't linked with craftsmanship in the same way it is with antique and vintage marbles.
Peruse a few of today's marbles and you'll notice one thing—they're pretty boring. Usually, they're made of agate or glass and come in all colors and designs. There are thousands of marbles for each design produced. Marbles of yesteryear, though, are more unique. Very rare collector marbles will fetch an insane amount of money for their size. Many of these special antique and vintage marbles can be worth hundreds of dollars, with the rarest ones being worth thousands.
Most marbles don't come in stereotypical packaging, and at the very most, they have basic netting bags. Rarer examples are sold in tins or boxes, and finding these packages intact (with the original marbles) increases the lot's value substantially.
Which Collector Marbles Will You Hunt Down First?
Once upon a time, marbles were strictly for kids. But with price tags like these, collector marbles are better suited for the 9-5ers. Just like with Beanie Babies and Pokemon Cards, there are so many cool marbles to choose from. Whether you want to amass a giant collection or you've got your eye on a particular design, there's a perfect vintage marble for you.