We all could use a little more money from time to time. And feng shui practitioners believe that money cures are just the thing you need to improve your prosperity. Most money cures are super easy to follow, and they could be effective. Why not try one or more of these simple feng shui money cures and see if you notice more abundance in your life?
Bedazzle Your Money Corner

The first step to optimizing your money sector is finding it. Use the map above to find the money sector of your home or any room in your home. Then, place money cures in this sector to invite wealth energy into your life.
Reduce Clutter
Decluttering your entire home is good feng shui. And making sure your money sector is decluttered with just a few important objects in it will invite prosperity energy into your life. So don't grab every money cure and jam it in your abundance corner. Instead, select a few meaningful objects and arrange them in your wealth sector in a pleasing way.
Attract Wealth With Coins
Chinese coins (round with a square hole in the center) represent the union between earth and heaven. One side is yin (two characters), and the other is yang (four characters). Tie three or six coins together with a red ribbon and place yang side up in your wealth corner.
Add a Water Feature
Add a water feature in your wealth sector — such as an aquarium or water fountain. Keep it clean and maintained for the right vibe.
If you won't be able to clean and maintain a water feature, it's best to forgo it because a dirty one could have the opposite effect.
Add Wood Element Design Features in the Wealth Sector
The wood element governs your prosperity corner. Activate this element and subsequently your money luck by adding plants (with no pointy leaves) and wood furniture or objects.
Light It Up
Adding more lights is effective in most sectors that need a remedy. Add table and/or floor lamps to brighten up your prosperity sector. Leave the lights on for at least five hours daily to energize the area.
Create a Money Jar
Many people swear by this ancient secret money cure.

Basic Supplies
- Ceramic jar with wide opening, narrow neck, and a lid
- Five squares of solid-colored fabric; one each in red, yellow, blue, green, and white
- Five ribbons in the same colors as the fabric to tie around the neck of the jar
- Coins tied with red ribbon
- Four faux diamonds (rhinestones are fine)
- Photos of things you desire (car, house, etc.)
- Dirt from a rich person's home mixed with dirt from your home
- Place the dirt in the base of the jar, followed by the rest of the collected items inside the jar.
- Secure the lid on the jar and seal it so it can't be opened. Use wax or tape.
- Place each color square over the lid in the order of blue, green, red, yellow, and white.
- Tie the colored ribbons/strings around the neck of the jar, securing the cloths.
How to Store Your Money Jar
Once you have your money jar completed, decide where you want to store it. This should be in an out-of-the-way cabinet. Don't display your wealth jar or let anyone know you have it. The more inaccessible the storage place is, the better.
- Don't place the vase near any exterior doors.
- Never move it, so make sure it won't be accidentally disturbed.
- Avoid placing the vase in your kitchen or bathroom.
- The prosperity corner is an excellent location, especially if it's in the deeper part of your home.
Add a Money Ship Wealth Cure
The money ship is a great wealth cure. The symbolism behind a wealth ship is that the sails fill with auspicious winds to travel the seas and bring wealth to you. This wealth cure is used to increase your income.
Select a ship that has sails but no weapons. Fill the deck of the ship with real money, gold ingots, gold bars, gems, and other symbols of money — even a treasure chest.
Put the money ship by your front entrance or in your prosperity corner. Always make sure it looks like it's sailing into the house, not out.
Get a Three-Legged Toad

Also known as the money frog, this iconic statue can be used to repair money luck. Be sure there is a coin in the toad's mouth and set it in a prominent place on a table, desk, or bookshelf facing into the room.
Put Prosperity Coins in Your Purse
Place three coins tied with red ribbon inside your wallet and add a red envelope that has a Chinese coin sealed inside in your purse. Both will attract money luck.
Decorate With Silver and Purple
The two words silver and purple mean "money." Use these colors to enhance your money luck.
Put Red and Gold in Your Money Corner
This two-color combination represents fire and metal. Use this color combo in your personal wealth sector to attract money luck.
Face the Wealth Direction
Sit, eat, work, and rest facing your wealth sector to stimulate money luck.
Feng Shui Cures for Money Problems
Feng shui is an ancient art, and people have been using these money cures for a long time when they need more abundance luck in their lives. So if you're down on your money luck, pick one or two cures that resonate with you to stimulate more money flowing towards you than away from you.