Feng shui principles can guide you in choosing and placing outdoor Buddha statues. Most people prefer a garden placement, but you do have other options, especially if you don't have a garden or simply want to display your outdoor Buddha statue in a different area.
Placing Buddha Statue in the Garden
The most popular location for outdoor Buddha statues is a backyard garden. This area is usually private and is a great place to create a niche area just for your statue. Place the Buddha statue facing your house, preferably the back door, to direct auspicious chi energy into your home. Following feng shui principles, your garden should be clutter free.
Buddha Statue for a Garden Altar
If you're a practicing Buddhist, you can always create a garden altar. It is easy to carve out a special nook just for a Buddha statue.
Buddha Statue Meditation Niche
You may already have a meditation area developed in your garden, or you may be in the planning stages. The key focus should be one of peace and tranquility. You can achieve these through the arrangement plants you add to this area, and ensuring there is space for a mat for sitting or practicing yoga. The addition of an outdoor Buddha statue creates a peaceful mood, and welcomes all entering the meditation sanctuary.
Buddha Statue and Water Feature

You may decide to add a water feature. Something as simple as a bubbling fountain or a more elaborate koi pond design is relaxing and creates a retreat vibe for your space. Don't forget to add lotus flowers to your pond for an authentic Buddhist garden design.
How to Create a Buddha Home Garden
There are so many options for placing a Buddha statue outside your home into the existing landscape. You can also create a garden around the statue by choosing plants and supporting garden structures and decor. You'll want to start with a plan:
- Decide if your new Buddha garden will be a destination or a focal point.
- Sketch or use a garden design app to create a layout.
- Place the Buddha statue first in your design.
- Research the best plants for your garden location.
- Visit local gardens for Buddha garden ideas and inspiration.
- Arrange your plants in a way that provides support for your statue spiritually.
- Consider adding a water feature if possible for your garden.
Beyond Backyard Buddha Statue Placements
You aren't limited to a backyard Buddha statue placement. Other outside areas can be enhanced by the addition of this deity statue.
Front Porch
If your home features a front porch, you can place an outdoor Buddha statue on the porch. The statue can be placed facing the steps, so it greets family and guests upon their arrival. This placement bestows blessings and auspicious abundance.
Side Yard Placements
If you have a side yard, you can place a statue here or create a special garden area for it. The ideal is to place your Buddha statue to facing your home, preferably toward a door that leads inside.
Front Yard Locations
A front yard garden can become a resting place for a Buddha statue. You may position the statue so it faces the front door. You may prefer to angle it so all who walk down the walkway are greeted by the Buddha.
Tips for Outdoor Buddha Statue Placements

Feng shui principles offer specific tips for correct Buddha statue placements outdoors. Make sure you follow these guidelines so you can avoid inauspicious settings when it comes to placing a Buddha statue.
Ground or Eye Level Placement?
A Buddha statue should never be placed directly on the ground. This is considered a very disrespectful placement. Set your Buddha statue in an elevated position, on top of a pedestal, shelf, large rock, platform, ledge, or table.
Which Way Should a Buddha Statue Face in the Garden?
A Buddha statue can have different intentions in a garden, so the direction is related to the type of placement. In a meditation or yoga space, the Buddha should be placed facing your meditation spot, at eye-level, if possible. A statue placed in a front yard garden can be placed facing the front door to shine its blessings on the home, or facing visitors to the home as a welcome.
Lanterns and Buddha Statues
You can add a Chinese pagoda lantern or two to light the area around your statue. This type of lantern is a popular choice for a Zen garden design to light winding pathways. Adding kinds of lighting is a well-known feng shui practice used to attract auspicious chi to an area. You want good chi energy to fill the area where you place your Buddha statue. This is especially true for a meditation or altar niche.
Avoid Disrespectful Buddha Placements
Many people treat Buddha statues as ornamental decorations. In feng shui, the Buddha statue is respected and revered. There are certain placements you should avoid.
- Don't set the statue by the driveway or near a mailbox since these positions are trivial and mundane showing a lack of reverence and respect for what/who the statue represents.
- Don't choose a statue of just a Buddha head. This type of statue is considered highly offensive and disrespectful.
- Avoid placing a Buddha statue outside a garage, trash can/bin, or near a utility area.
- A child's play area isn't an ideal location for a Buddha statue. Remember, this is a not a decoration, but a symbol of a religious figure and should be set in a place that is respectful of this.
Choosing Buddha Statue Pose and Material
There are many choices of Buddha statue poses. Each has a specific meaning. Some represent a special stage during the Buddha's life. Others have symbolic meanings that easily translate to feng shui uses. The meditating Buddha statue is the best choice for a meditation garden, while the walking Buddha statue is perfect for a garden path. Select the Buddha statue pose that resonates with your energy.
Deciding Where to Place Outdoor Buddha Statues
Learning the rules of Buddha statue placement not only enhances the benefits it brings to your home, it also opens up more ideas for appropriate locations. With the understanding that any Buddha placement needs to be considerate and respectful, your Buddha statue will enhance your home in whatever placement you choose.