Ready to take things to the next level with your sweetie? For many couples, the beginning of relationships is the easy part, but progressing relationships to the next stage sometimes takes a little more finesse. It takes thinking about what you each want and making a decision together to move forward, whether that's meeting in person for the first time, dating exclusively, or making a commitment.
Good Communication Is Essential for Progressing Relationships
There isn't one set formula to use in progressing relationships. Obviously, your relationship's success depends on two very important factors…you and your partner. Communication is obviously one of the most important points of any relationship, whether it be in the work place or in your personal life. A relationship will really never grow beyond the surface and into something deeper if the two people involved aren't willing to talk! Talk doesn't just mean the trivialities of the day, but instead a sharing of each other's hopes and dreams. Before you jump into each other's secret thoughts; however, you'll want to take it a bit slow.
Find a time when the two of you can talk alone and uninterrupted (maybe on the phone), and ask some questions about where they see this going? It takes some bravery to do this because they may not see things the same way you do, but remember, if you're in different places, it doesn't mean you have to end things. Sometimes, it just takes time.
It Takes Guts to Move an Online Relationship to In-Person
Sometimes it might seem easier to progress a relationship online simply because you don't have to talk face to face. There is safety in anonymity, right? If you don't like what you read, or you're embarrassed about what you typed online, you can simply disappear into the cyber world. However, if you are developing an enjoyable online experience with someone else, it may be time to progress to the next step…meeting face to face. You can only hide behind the computer screen for so long. When you first start chatting, remember that what you share with the other person should be the truth, just in case you one day meet in person and a solid relationship develops!
Related: Tips for Making Online Relationships Last Long-Term
Talk About Whether You Both Want to Move Forward
In many relationships, one person is more interested in moving the relationship forward than the other person. If one person is bound and determined to force the relationship into a more serious commitment, and the other person is just looking for fun, chances are that a natural progression may not follow.
- Don't force the issue. Let time take its course.
- Discuss the good things about your relationship. Sometimes you just need to point out the positives.
- Listen to each other. Discuss your wants and needs with the other person. Find out what you have in common, and what your goals for the future are.
- Don't obsess. If marriage is on your mind, don't obsess over it to the point that you scare your significant other off!
Related: How to Know if He Will Ever Propose
Break the Pattern (In a Good Way)
Other than smacking your partner over the head to wake them up, progressing your relationship from friendship to something more may take some work. Sometimes, it's easy to settle into a pattern. That pattern may involve a date once or twice a week which ends with a peck on the cheek. It may involve a series of dates with a group of people, but you're never really alone. Maybe the pattern involves an outing every Saturday night which culminates with a romp between the sheets. If you are both satisfied with this pattern, then that's fine. However, if you want it to progress to the next step, try the following:
- Drop hints. Let your significant other know that you are looking for more. While you don't want to overpower them with your desires, you also don't want to remain in a holding pattern. If they don't get the hint, it may be time to move on.
- Be confident. Don't be wimpy or whiney. There is a fine line between confident and cocky. Try to walk it, and let your partner see that you'll only wait for so long.
- Talk, talk, talk. If your sweetie won't communicate with you, how can you ever have a fulfilling relationship?
- Listen, listen, listen. In the same respect, you have to listen to what the other person is saying, whether in person or in body language. Pay attention to the signals you are being thrown.
- Consider Counseling. Finally, if you are really interested in progressing the relationship, maybe a little couple's counseling could help. Sometimes it helps to have someone teach you how to communicate.
Progressing Your Relationship Means Different Things to Everyone
Progressing your relationship can look different, depending on what you see as progress or the next level. Take the time to really think it thorough and talk to your partner about what you both want. That way, you'll know you're on the same page (or not) and can move forward together.