You're never too old for trick-or-treating, so enjoy yourself, have fun, and be adventurous. Put on a fantastic costume and pretend to be someone or something else for the night. Halloween is the one night each year when adults can really let loose. One cautionary note for adult trick-or-treating - drink responsibly if you decide to partake of the spirits on Halloween! Don't drink and drive; and be sure to obey local laws.
Trick-or-Treating Ideas for Adults
Many parents dress up in costumes, take to the streets carrying a treat bag, and go door-to-door trick-or-treating with their kids, fully expecting to receive a yummy treat. However, there are other ways adults can participate in a fun night of trick-or-treating.
Reverse Trick-or-Treating
Create some little treat bags filled with Halloween candy, dress up in a spooky costume, ring your neighbors' doorbells, and when someone answers the door, say "BOO! "and hand them the bag. Print up some flyers to put in each bag that says, "You just got tricked and treated!"
When you go trunk-or-treating, adults not only dress up in costume, but their car is all decked out for Halloween as well. Adult trick-or- treaters can hand out Halloween candy to all the trick-or-treating kids. And because trunk-or-treats are typically held in a more confined area, such as a church or school parking lot, they can easily get to know other adult trunk-or-treaters, who are more than happy to have adults visit their trunks to get treats and chat.

Halloween Brew Hop
Invite your friends and neighbors to dress up in costumes and participate in a Halloween Brew Hop! Rather than offering adult trick-or- treaters who accompany their children candy, set up a Halloween-themed table and offer the parents a Halloween cocktail, perhaps even a sample-sized glass of wine or beer. Everyone can introduce themselves, chat for a couple minutes, and get to know more about one another before kids and parents walk on.
Halloween Pub Crawl
No kids? No problem! When the "witching" hour begins, adult trick-or-treaters can still go door-to-door, not to neighborhood houses, but to bars and clubs. This is not a traditional Halloween party where you dress in costume and hang out in one place; it's a pub or house party crawl. If you go on a Halloween crawl, you start at one place, grab a drink, some food, or perhaps a new friend, and keep moving. Some cities even sign up local bars and clubs to participate, sell tickets and take adult trick-or-treaters from club to club on a cushy bus decorated for Halloween.

Neighborhood Trick-or-Treat House Crawl
Contact your neighbors ahead of time and set up a trick-or-treat house crawl. This is a bit like a traveling cocktail party. Neighbors dress in costumes, group up, and stop by each other's house to have a drink, talk a bit, and then walk to the next home. Everyone hosts and can join in on adult Halloween fun and camaraderie. One idea is for the host to mix up some combinations of booze and pour them into shot glasses to make Halloween shots. Some will be nasty tasting (trick), and others will be delicious (treat). Tasty or nasty, once your neighbor chooses a shot, they must finish it before the group walks to the next house.
Wear a spooky Halloween costume and put a cocktail glass on a chain around your neck. Then go to your friends' houses or apartments, ring their doorbell, hold out the glass and say "trick-or-drink." Your friends will love this.
Trick-or-Treating Etiquette
Brush up on your Halloween trick-or-treating etiquette before finalizing your plans and celebrations for Halloween night. Halloween isn't just for kids, and there are plenty of ways for adults to experience the festivities and enjoy a memorable evening.