Free toasts for weddings are a great find for any best man or maid of honor. Both roles are expected to deliver a wedding toast at the reception. This often creates stress and anxiety when trying to decide what to say. Finding wedding toasts that are free immediately alleviates much of this worry. Ensure your toast is a hit by modifying it to fit your friend and circumstances!
A Wedding Day Is Very Important
Most people will agree that a person's wedding day is one of the most important days in his or her life. Knowing this, the person who is responsible for giving a toast at the wedding reception wants to make sure to say the right things… nothing that will make the bride or groom look bad, and nothing that will sound dumb. The best wedding toasts are witty, funny, entertaining, meaningful, and tasteful. However, coming up with a toast that meets all of these requirements is not always as easy as it sounds.
Knowing that the bride's and groom's parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends who traveled from across the country and possibly even the world will be listening to every word said during the toast, it better be good. Many of the free wedding toasts that can be found on the Internet can provide lots of good ideas on where to start with the composition of any wedding toast.
Free Printable Wedding Toasts
Got nothing for ideas. Not to worry! Free printable wedding toasts are customizable and ready for everyone. Not only can they give you some ideas for creating your own, but you can customize them for your bride and groom. From bride and groom to fathers to the best man, just find the toast you're looking for and click to open it, download, and print. From there, you can add names, move around sections and otherwise customize it to fit your needs. If you need help downloading your printable, check out helpful tips.
Prepare Ahead of Time
To help get started writing a wedding toast, visit the Internet. Type in, "Free Wedding Toasts" in any search engine, and hundreds of Websites will pop up. Most of them will provide advice on how write a wedding toast, how to outline what should be said, and some even provide the actual toast (minus the real names of the bride and groom).
Feeling Nervous?
Almost all people feel some sort of nervousness and panic when they stand in front of a crowd to speak. What makes it worse is when a microphone must be used. When a microphone is handed to the toaster, it becomes overly obvious that everyone in the room will hear the toast no matter if they want to or not.
Be Confident
Giving a toast at a wedding reception may cause a person to be overly nervous. However, it's important to remember that getting up in front of a crowd to say something about a dear friend is not the end of the world. It's a time to let everyone in attendance know how much the bride and groom are loved, and how much luck they are wished in the future. So, use the opportunity to stand up proudly and state positive thoughts about the married couple
A Few Final Tips
No matter what, never drink too much before a wedding toast is given. First of all, everyone listening will know. Second, the words in the speech may not come out right and something embarrassing may end up being said. Third, being drunk while giving a wedding toast is just not cool, and it shouldn't be done.
Also, don't read the toast directly from index cards. It's much more endearing if it looks like the toast is coming directly from the heart instead of a piece of paper. It's fine to hold the cards and refer to them if necessary, but the speech should be rehearsed ahead of time and eye contact with the audience will provide a much more effective and memorable toast.
Don't panic! If the note cards get lost and none of the toast can be remembered, it's not that big of a deal. Come up with a few sentences on the spot about what a great friend "so-and-so" is and how he or she will make a great husband or wife. And, conclude with a big, "Congratulations!"