The task of giving a rehearsal dinner toast speech traditionally falls on the father of the groom as well as a select few other people in attendance. Depending on the etiquette you follow for your wedding, however, you may wind up with a variety of different speakers.
Delivering a Rehearsal Toast
Brevity is key when giving a rehearsal dinner toast. Remember that the toast is supposed to incite everyone to raise their glasses and toast the couple or thank everyone for participating in the wedding. For this reason, you should be sure to write something that celebrates the couple's love for each other. If you have never written a toast before, keep these simple guidelines in mind.

- Be sure to personalize the toast. A hollow toast copied from a book or website will seem forced and will not have the effect that a well thought out wedding rehearsal dinner speech will have.
- Keep it short and sweet. A rehearsal dinner toast should take no more than two or three minutes as it's meant to wish the couple a wonderful wedding and thank everyone for participating.
- Start with who you are. Unless you are familiar with everyone in attendance, you will want to make sure they know who you are. This speech isn't about you, so don't turn it into a resumé or personal biography. A simple introductory statement of "I'm Bob, the best man, and I've known Tim for ten years," is suitable.
- Inject a personal experience. If you have a favorite memory of the couple, use it in your toast. A good example would be something along the lines of, "I'll never forget when we all went camping together because even though the tent blew away they were still laughing and having a great time."
- Turn the story into an analogy of the couple's love. Use the personal story to demonstrate why the marriage is a great idea. For example, "Much like the windy conditions of the campsite, life is not always full of sunny days. These two will be great together because they can still laugh when the wind is blowing and the tent is gone."
- Raise your glass for the toast. Raising your glass prompts everyone else to raise their glasses. At this point you give a simple statement celebrating the couple. Try something along the lines of, "Join me in a toast to two people who couldn't be more perfect for each other. To the bride and groom!" Raise your glass higher and drink.
- Start with a toast. Once all the guests have arrived and taken their seats, the wedding rehearsal dinner toast should be given. It sets the tone for the dinner and ensures everyone is properly thanked before leaving the dinner.
Rehearsal Dinner Toast Examples
If you want to give a memorable toast at a wedding rehearsal dinner, example toasts can help you think of creative and meaningful things to say.

Sample Rehearsal Dinner Toast From the Groom
This sample groom's speech for the rehearsal dinner is short, sweet, and to the point.
I know they say "Practice makes perfect." and that's why we're all here tonight, to practice making our wedding perfect. But, the truth is, it will be perfect whether we are timed right to the music or not, whether we stand in the right places or not, because we'll all be there together and I get to marry the love of my life. Thanks for helping make tomorrow the perfect day for us.
Sample Rehearsal Dinner Toast From the Bride
When the bride is the one doing most of the planning, giving a toast at the rehearsal dinner is her chance to thank everyone for fulfilling her vision.
For the past few months, I've been a woman with a vision and a mission. Each of you has played a role in making those a reality, and for that I can't thank you enough. Tonight, we celebrate you, the people we hold most dear. Cheers to the best wedding team we could ever ask for!
Sample Rehearsal Dinner Toast From the Father of the Groom or Bride
The father of the groom or bride can give a toast on behalf of the entire family.
To all of you, from all of us - my wife, son/daughter, and my entire family, I say thanks for making my son/daughter's dreams come true. If it weren't for (bride name & groom name), we might not all be in the same room making great memories together. To everyone and to the soon to be Mr. and Mrs. (last name), here's to a memorable wedding and a marriage made of love!
Sample Rehearsal Dinner Toast From the Mother of the Groom or Bride
The mother of the groom or bride can also give a toast on behalf of the entire family, especially when the father of the groom or bride is not present.
As a mom, you constantly imagine all the things that can go wrong and all the things that can go right for your children. Throughout this wedding process, I've gotten to see all my dreams for my son/daughter come true. I couldn't be more proud of (bride name & groom name) for showing each other all the things that can be right in a relationship and for all their friends for showing the right ways to celebrate that love. To the happy couple, may the rest of your lives together be so right.
Funny Rehearsal Dinner Toast Example
Funny wedding toasts toast like this one for the rehearsal dinner keep the event lighthearted and fun. Any family member or member of the bridal party can give this toast.
Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today to celebrate our collective ability to follow directions, put one foot in front of the other, and look good doing it. Let's all raise a glass as we promise to repeat today with perfection tomorrow and not drink so much we forget where we're supposed to stand at the alter. I now pronounce you wedding rehearsal graduates, you may all raise a glass. Cheers!
Support the Couple
Giving a rehearsal dinner toast speech doesn't have to be a chore. With a few simple guidelines, anyone asked to raise their glass to the happy couple can offer eloquent congratulations and support for their union.