Mirrors are a simple, yet powerful, tool for improving feng shui in your home. The foundation of feng shui philosophy is how good chi energy moves in and around a home. Making sure that the chi flows freely and is directed throughout your home makes mirrors an essential tool. There's more to using mirrors than just hanging one on the wall. Learning the secrets of proper placement and tips for addressing specific issues can encourage good chi energy throughout your home.
How Do Feng Shui Mirrors Bring Good Luck?
There are so many ways to use mirrors to improve feng shui in a home, but they all have the same purpose to attract positive energy. When beneficial chi is moving through any space, it generates good luck. When chi energy is diverted or stuck, the negative energy it generates can harm luck. Mirrors can be used to help the flow of good chi, but they can also be used to deflect negativity, and each room or situation has its own simple mirror rules.
Feng Shui Bedroom Mirrors

Bedroom mirrors can be a challenge in encouraging good feng shui, but also in deterring bad chi energy. Though mirrors are a popular bedroom accessory, they aren't a natural fit for good feng shui. As a yin energy space, your bedroom mirror can create a struggle with its bold yang energy. There are feng shui bedroom mirror rules that can help when you add a mirror to your relaxing bedroom design.
Mirror Across From the Bed
Mirrors in the bedroom can disrupt positive chi energy by bouncing it around the room and out the window. Just like sunlight hitting a mirror, the chi bounces off of the reflective surface and either creates havoc by bouncing around the room, or the chi just bounces right back out. Calm the negative chi of a mirror across from your bed by covering it with a simple cloth when before climbing into bed, or moving it to a less-problematic location in the room. It's common to have mirrored closet doors that reflect your bed, and they require special treatment to attract and good feng shui in a bedroom.
Mirror Facing Bedroom Door
A mirror facing the bedroom door, or any door, risks deflecting the positive flow of chi right back out of the room. The only remedy for this situation is to relocate the mirror so that it's no longer directly across from the door. While a wind chime is often mentioned as a remedy, it's often not practical or stylish to hang one indoors.
Mirror Above the Bed
Placing a mirror above your bed is not a good feng shui move. The presence of a heavy mirror or artwork above your head creates negative chi, and it can bounce positive energy over you so quickly that it can disrupt your sound sleep.
Feng Shui Mirrors for Stairs
Mirrors are helpful in managing and enhancing the flow of good chi on and around your staircase. The sense of movement that a staircase brings to a home can pose problems for keeping good feng shui energy moving steadily upwards.
Mirror on Staircase Wall
Mirrors on a staircase wall are very auspicious when used on a landing, especially when they are full length. Mirrors on the wall up the stairs can send good chi sideways and off its path to the upper floor rooms.
Mirror at the Top of the Stairs
When you place a mirror at the top of your stairs, you may be sending positive energy flow back downstairs, and creating stagnation for the upper floor. If you would like to have a mirror at the top of the stairs, make sure it's not facing the stairs, but placed on an adjoining wall.
Mirror on Staircase Landing
A full-length mirror on the landing, facing into the upstairs area, is a great choice. If the staircase has more than one landing, place a full-length mirror on the first one, pointing it in the direction of the upstairs landing.
Feng Shui Dining Room Mirrors

Dining room mirrors are especially good for feng shui energy. The reflection of happy people gathering and dining generates positive chi that enhances luck and abundanc- . Be sure that you place the mirror where it doesn't reflect the front door or kitchen or a chopped reflection of your dining guests.
Feng Shui Kitchen Mirrors
Mirrors are generally discouraged for feng shui kitchens, as they can increase the heat and fire element energy of the space. An exception is when your stove places you with your back to the kitchen entrance, and unable to see someone approaching. A small mirror or reflective backsplash above the cooking surface can remedy this negative situation.
Feng Shui Living Room Mirrors
Mirrors are considered an asset to feng shui living rooms, with very few rules. As with other spaces, avoid placing a mirror directly reflecting the entrance, as this can send positive chi out of the room quickly. If your kitchen stove is directly across from your living room, make sure your mirror does not reflect the cooking area as it will disrupt positive chi with excessive yang fire energy.
Mirrors in the Home Office
If your home office layout does not allow you to place your desk in the command position, a small mirror that reflects the door can help you see anyone who approaches. Never place a mirror opposite the door to your office, as this will bounce all good energy out of your office before it can enter.
Feng Shui Mirrors in the Bathroom
Bathrooms have unique feng shui energy with wastewater features that can activate negative chi. A full-length mirror can be attached to the inside of the bathroom door to contain the negative energy, but be sure the mirror doesn't reflect the toilet or cut off the head of anyone looking into it.
Mirrors at the Home Entrance

A mirror placed in your foyer can be good feng shui, but there are a few situations where they have the opposite effect. When you place a mirror in a foyer or entryway, you are adding light and energy to an often-dark space. Positive chi energy can become trapped and stagnant in dark places as it comes through the front entrance, which is considered the mouth of chi. Correct placement of a foyer mirror is crucial for enhancing feng shui, as placing it facing the front door will deflect chi flow outside, so that it never reaches your home's interior.
Mirrors in Front of Windows
When your mirror faces windows in any room, you have the opportunity to enhance good feng shui when it reflects a pleasant scene. If your mirror reflects beautiful foliage or landscaping, it brings the positive chi inside your home. If the view from your windows shows a harsh or unattractive scene, your mirror can still be placed across from them, but you'll want to add window treatments that let in the light but diffuse negative energy outside.
Mirror at the End of a Hallway
Mirrors can activate positive chi flow when placed at the end of a dark hallway. You can also add mirrors along a long hallway to slow rushing energy and enhance the lighting. Be sure to stagger the mirrors on both sides of the wall to keep the chi from bouncing back and forth, creating chaos.
Mirrors Facing Doors
Placing a mirror across from a door can cause good chi to rush right back out the door, either outside or keep it moving in an endless loop into another room. This is a feng shui mirror placement to avoid.
Finding the Right Type of Feng Shui Mirror for Your Home
Mirrors can enhance the feng shui of your home, and are also a stylish accessory. While you're shopping for mirrors, you may see bagua mirrors which are a very specific type used for formal feng shui consultations - they are not needed for most applications. Because there are no rules about the type of mirror used in feng shui, you can choose them with your own personal taste in mind.