Dating is the first step that determines if a romantic relationship is possible. It is a time of friendly, casual fun, getting to know one another, and testing the waters to see where the relationship might go, but it's also a time of high expectations and when the man and woman are on their best behavior. Beginnings are always important, so it helps if an Aries woman and Pisces man know a little about what to expect before they embark on their first date.
What an Aries Woman Should Expect From Dating a Pisces Man
Aries is the cardinal fire sign and also the first sign of the zodiac. An Aries woman is determined to take the lead, and that includes making the first advance and inviting the charming but seemingly shy Pisces man on a date. What should this "just go for it" woman expect when dating a Pisces man?
A Pisces Men
When an Aries woman dates a Pisces man, she should know she will have to adapt in one way or another to his easy-going, passive, dreamy outlook on life.

When a Pisces man is on his best behavior, he's:
- Gregarious, charming, and magnetic
- Friendly and warm with both sexes
- Very romantic and a great listener
- A soothing and calm presence
His less attractive behaviors are that he can be:
- Evasive when asked too many questions
- Indecisive, unpredictable, and restless
- Moody, sensitive, pessimistic, and easily hurt
- Absent-minded
- Prone to pulling disappearing acts
What a Pisces Man Should Expect
Pisces is the mutable water sign and the last sign of the zodiac. A shy and sensitive Pisces man fears rejection and hates to be the one who initiates a date. So, it's reassuring to him the Aries woman is interested in getting to know him when she makes the first move.
An Aries Women
When a Pisces man dates an Aries woman, he can expect her to open her own doors, put on her own coat, pull out her own chair, and perhaps even offer to pick up the check. The good thing is a Pisces man is more than willing, and even prefers, the Aries woman is her self-reliant, independent self.

When an Aries woman is on her best behavior, she's:
- Happy, cheerful, and spunky
- Friendly and generous to a fault
- Idealistic and passionately romantic
- Adventurous and ready to try anything
When she's not on her best behavior, she can be:
- Hard headed with a temper
- Competitive and confrontational
- Impulsive
- Demanding and inconsiderate
- Jealous and domineering
Types of Dates for Aries Women and Pisces Men
A Pisces man enjoys simple pleasures and is not comfortable with large crowds, but he is always willing to go with the flow. An Aries woman is confident, carefree, wants to be where the action is, and she is always eager to try something new and fascinating. This means fun and fascinating excursions away from crowds and bright city lights would be the best dating activities for these two.

Great dating suggestions:
- A trip to an out-of-the-way beach
- Kayaking or paddling on a lake or pond
- A moonlight visit to an aquarium
- A concert at an intimate music venue
- A film festival
- A university lecture
- An art museum
A dinner date alone is likely to bore these two. Still, to make their dates perfect, each should begin or end with a stop by an eclectic café, outdoor preferably, where they can quietly talk and laugh about their time together and get to know one another.
Similarities Between Aries and Pisces
As strange as it may seem, an assertive Aries woman and a passive Pisces man play off one another well. They both have live and let live attitudes, are highly creative, and have a way of going with the serendipity of each moment. Plus, both are idealistic romantics who have faith in new beginnings and tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses.
Prospects for Romance
Though similarities are important in any relationship, the excitement in a relationship lies in complementary differences. Similarities combined with complementary differences create the context in which romantic love is born. It's these differences in an Aries/Pisces match that are mutually enriching and allow them to draw out the untapped potential in one another.

Complementary differences include:
- An Aries woman has a vitality that gives the languid Pisces man a boost.
- Her "just do it" way of living sparks him to act on his dreams and imaginings.
- Her optimism dispels his pessimism.
- Her directness gives him direction.
- His laid-back passivity gives her permission to slow down and relax.
- His compassion and sensitivity softens her around the edges and makes her less selfish.
- His strength at avoiding conflicts gives her peace and security.
Sexual Intimacy
Even while dating, this couple will never be short on romance. When the ardent desires of an idealistic Aries woman meet a Pisces man's magical romantic nature, both are likely to become starry-eyed over each other, spontaneously fall in love, and into bed.
Theirs will be a steamy romantic love affair with exceptional physical chemistry. Though their approach to sexual intimacy differs, here too they are complementary. She contributes the passion to their lovemaking while he makes it ever more romantic and exciting for her with his vivid imaginations and fantasies.
Who's in Charge?
A Pisces man is a caring, loving, and passive person. An Aries woman is bold, decisive, and strong-willed. Though the Aries woman is the dominant partner in this relationship, it's the Pisces man's willingness to be flexible, to try new things, to be led, and explore the unknown that will allow this relationship to thrive, survive, and have staying power. In short, she's in charge, but he makes it work.
Getting Over the Hurdles
Getting over the hurdles in their relationship will require that both the Aries woman and the Pisces man understand each has something special to bring to the table, and they are better together. Once each embraces what the other contributes to the partnership, they can easily be sparring partners, lovers, best friends, and soulmates for life.
Sun Sign Compatibility
An Aries woman and a Pisces man would not be considered perfect astrological partners, but too much similarity can make a relationship boring and stagnant. Boring and stagnant would be the kiss of death to an Aries/Pisces matchup. It's the complementary differences and the Pisces man's flexibility that make this relationship work. Additionally, both individuals are more than their Sun signs. While the Sun sign does lend its light to the entire personality, it's only one factor among many. However, the Sun sign is a useful starting point for exploring just how astrologically compatible you're likely to be with a person you're considering dating.