When a Taurus falls in love, their intent is for the relationship to last forever. So, regardless of who wants out of the relationship, breaking up is hard for a Taurus. Still, how a Taurus manages and handles a breakup depends on which end of the breakup they're on.
What to Expect a Taurus Breaks up With You
Knowing how a Taurus approaches a breakup begins with examining Taurus as the fixed earth sign of the zodiac. These individuals are strong and often suffer in silence until the pain of staying together seems more painful than going their separate way. But once they've come to this decision, it's cemented. Taurus will approach the subject of a breakup the same way they approached any negative event--gently. Taurus doesn't like unpleasant melodrama, which means they'll most likely take you out to eat in a nice restaurant to announce the relationship has changed and is ending. Taurus feels that with other people around, you'll be more controlled and less emotional when you get the news.
They Don't Make Rash Decisions
Taurus didn't just wake up the morning of your breakup and decide it was time to end things. They've been contemplating your separation for quite some time before finally taking action. Taurus is a slow mover and doesn't like change, especially when it comes to breaking up with a lover.
Taurus Has an Inner Emotional Battle
That means your Taurus lover spent a lot of agonizing hours weighing the pros and cons of a breakup. In fact, Taurus doesn't like emotional conflicts, avoids making a decision, and puts it off as long as possible.
They Rarely Change Their Minds
Keep this thought in mind if you're planning to rekindle a love affair with Taurus. It will be very difficult to convince Taurus that breaking up with you was a mistake.
Taurus Desires the Breakup to Be Painless
The goal for Taurus is to make the breakup as easy as possible for both of you. Be assured that Taurus has already made this difficult decision and genuinely feels it's best that you both move on.
Will Taurus Come Back After a Breakup?
The usual answer to the question about Taurus coming back after a breakup is, "No!" There's a good reason they broke up with you, and it took Taurus a while to reach that decision.

Does Taurus Miss You?
You may ask, "Does Taurus miss me as much as I miss them?" The answer depends on the circumstances of your breakup. However, Taurus doesn't let an ex-lover play on those sensitive heartstrings, so if you attempt to play games, you'll lose.
How to Know When Taurus Is Finished With You
If your breakup was emotional and extremely negative, chances are Taurus won't extend a "Let's be friends' invitation." If you aren't clear about your after-the-breakup status, you will be if your Taurus ex-lover doesn't respond to your text messages or voicemails and ignores your private messages on social media. These are good indicators that it's time for you to move on because it's clear Taurus is finished with you.
How Does a Taurus Handle Being Dumped?
If Taurus is on the receiving end of a breakup, their first reaction will be surprise and disbelief. After the shock has worn off, Taurus may become angry.
Choose a Public Place to Breakup
This is not an angry outburst you want to hear. Just as an angry bull snorts and bellows, your Taurus lover may respond vocally. However, a more mature Taurus has learned to rein in their angry outbursts. It's still best to do your breakup in public so you can avoid the worst-case scenario. Taurus always displays self-control in public.
Reaction After the Breakup
Taurus will retreat to their home haven to lick their wounds after a breakup. Introspection may follow as they attempt to figure out what happened to derail your relationship.

Wallowing in Sorrow
Taurus may spend some time mourning the end of your relationship. It's not unusual for Taurus to take a long time to accept that your relationship is over. Remember, Taurus doesn't move through emotions quickly.
Taurus May Attempt Reconciliation
Depending on the reason you broke up with your Taurus lover, you may find they will attempt to reconcile. You'll first receive a very brief nonchalant text message, probably inquiring about how you are doing after your breakup. This will be followed by an invitation to meet up for coffee.
After the Breakup Meetup
Taurus will be eager to see how you're doing after the breakup and if you've had second thoughts. If all goes well during this short get-together, Taurus will invite you to a very nice restaurant to continue your conversation. If making up is not your agenda, you should put the skids on any further meetings. Otherwise, Taurus will take your acceptance as a desire to reconcile.
Taurus Will Remain Your Friend
If reconciliation isn't what you want, Taurus may ask to remain friends. Taurus can usually remain friends with an ex. In fact, that can sometimes become an issue with a current lover. Sharing Taurus with an ex isn't the best way to start a relationship or maintain a relationship, but when you become the ex, friendship may be the easiest way to end your love affair.
Taurus Can Handle a Breakup With Finesse
Taurus can handle any type of breakup with finesse. The main consideration for the two of you is whether you wish to or can remain friends after your breakup.