Girls aren't from Venus, and boys aren't from Mars. Telling if a girl likes you isn't as complicated as some people make it out to be. And if you don't feel like an expert on decoding that special someone's body language, we've broken down the signs so it's crystal clear.
13 Signs a Girl Might Be Interested in You
Girls have a reputation for being enigmatic and mysterious, but they're pretty straightforward if you know how to read the signs. Find out if that girl who's captured your eye has feelings for you by looking for these telling cues.
She Always Finds You at Events
If the girl on your mind is at a party, dance, or sporting event and asks a few different people where you are, chances are she's into you. If she's always hunting you down and sticking by your side at events you're both attending, she probably has those fluttery feelings of a new love rumbling in her gut.
She Stands Close to You
According to science, your intimate personal space is anywhere from 0 to 18 inches from your face. When you're standing in a small group or waiting in line, and she puts herself within a foot of you, chances are she likes you. The closer she gets, the higher the likelihood she's interested. Her desire to be close to you shows her interest — unless she's that way with everyone she knows.
She Asks to Hang Out All the Time
Think about how often she asks to hang out. If you're her first pick when she just wants a buddy to go grocery shopping with or a plus-one to an important event, she wants to spend as much time with you as possible. And the people we spend the most time with are the ones we tend to like the most.

She Notices Small Changes in Your Life
For a girl to notice that you don't answer her texts in the same way or that you're in a jollier mood than usual, she has to be paying close attention to you. Pay close attention to the details she notices that others don't.
If everyone else is commenting on your new shoes, her complimenting the same thing doesn't necessarily mean anything special. But when she notices things even your closest friends don't, she's giving you extra attention, and you're on her mind a lot.
She Always Reacts to Your Social Media Posts
If a girl likes, comments, or shares all your social media posts, she might be interested in you. The fact that the algorithm is tossing all your posts her way and that she's taking the time to react to them shows that she's interested in what you have to say. There are many people today who spend a lot of time reacting to friends' posts on social media, but very few make it a point to react to every post by every friend.
She Tilts Her Head When You Talk
When women tilt their heads while listening to you talk, it does two things. First, it indicates a genuine interest in what you're saying. Second, it's a way of presenting her neck and inadvertently exposing pheromones. If a girl tilts her head while you're talking to her, it's a good sign she has at least a passing interest in you.
Held tilting can be a common habit for some people, so you shouldn't rely on this behavior alone as the sign that seals the deal. Instead, look for this sign in conjunction with other ones before coming to any conclusions.
Related: 13 Signs a Girl Likes You
She Remembers Something You Said a While Ago
If a girl brings up a tidbit about your past or your likes and dislikes that you mentioned in passing a long time ago, it's a sign that she's paying close attention to you. The fact that she still remembers something you said that you might not even remember saying tells you that she finds you memorable. Not only does she like learning about your life, but she cares about it enough to store it in her memory!
She Offers You the Last of Something
Whether it's her last crab rangoon or her last piece of gum, when a girl gives you her last piece, you're someone special. If you ask for it and she gives it to you, that doesn't necessarily indicate interest. But if she offers it up without any prompting, she might have a particular fondness for you.

Her Responses Are Lightning-Fast
Whether you're asking a question in person or by text, if a girl responds immediately, she finds you interesting and entertaining. Most people are good about responding to questions fairly quickly, but everyone has faster response times reserved for the most important people in their lives. If she doesn't leave you hanging for more than a couple of seconds, chances are she's got you on her mind already, and she's trying to make a great impression.

She Asks About Your Plans
When a girl inquires about what you're doing this weekend or for the summer, she may be fishing to see if there's a place for her in your plans. If this inquiry is part of a group conversation where she's asking everyone the same question, it doesn't carry the same weight. But if it's just one-on-one, you can maybe expect an invite from her in the near future.
She Makes a Lot or Very Little Eye Contact
Eye contact is one of the more unclear ways to tell if a girl is interested in you. If a girl looks at you in the eye a lot more than other people do, she more than likely likes you. If she makes it a point to lock eyes with you every time you pass by in the hallway, it could be a sign she's hoping you're noticing her.
If you find that a girl avoids eye contact with you, it could mean that she likes you, too. When she avoids your gaze and has a smile or blushes, this is a sure sign she likes you and is too shy to show it. Girls respond to the people they're romantically interested in in different ways, and they may be just as likely to avoid your gaze as they are to stare right into it.
She Flirts With You
Flirting isn't always a clear-cut sign that someone's interested, especially if they have a playful personality. But if you notice continuous flirting sent your way, it probably adds up to something.
For some, smiling and batting her eyes is her go-to flirting style. For others, mimicking your body language and playing with her hair are ways of flirting. In general, touching (such as brushing one's arm) or laughing at jokes that may not be funny can be signs of flirting.
Simply, if she's treating you with more attention, being extra playful around you, and going out of her way to touch you, she's ratcheted her flirting up a notch.
She Changes Her Body Language
When a girl likes someone, her body language may change in unexpected ways. For example, she might get more nervous in her gestures, like excessively playing with her hair, fidgeting, biting on her nails or lips, or laughing out of turn.
She may also begin to become large in her movements. If the girl you're trying to figure out doesn't usually talk with her hands but suddenly does around you, she may like you. Any changes in her body language can be a sign that she's feeling big emotions when the two of you interact.

9 Questions a Girl Might Ask if She Likes You
From asking leading questions because she hopes to glean some information to earnest inquiries that she hopes you can pick up on, girls are rather good at subliminally telling you what they want. Not sure what that looks like in a real conversation? We've got a handful of questions a girl might ask you if she likes you.
- Has anyone caught your eye recently?
- What do you think about the friends-to-lovers trope?
- Can we hang out more often? I love spending time with you.
- I need a break from life. Do you want to go on vacation? Just you and me?
- I've got an important work event coming up, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.
- Hey, life's kind of a mess, and I was wondering if you were free to talk. You're the only person I want to talk to right now.
- My friends have been asking about you for weeks. Want to come meet them this weekend? They'll absolutely love you!
- What are you looking for in a partner?
- What qualities do you find the most attractive?
9 Ways to Ask a Girl if She Likes You
If you've kept a close eye on her behavior and are pretty confident she's interested, the only thing left to do is ask. There are so many ways to ask a girl if she likes you. Here are nine that run the gamut.
- Maybe I'm reading things wrong, but I get the feeling that you like me more than a friend. Am I far off?
- Why are you flirting with me, Miss [last name]?
- I really don't want to ruin what we've got going on, but I have to know — are you interested in me?
- I'm sorry if this feels out of nowhere, but it's driving me mad — do you like me?
- Do you have romantic feelings for anyone right now?
- What would you say if I told you I liked you?
- Not to put you on the spot, but do you have feelings for me?
- A little birdie told me that you have feelings for me. Is that true?
- Hey, I feel like something's brewing between us. Do you feel it, too?
If the Signs Are There, It's Time to Move Forward
No two girls are alike, but humans aren't so different from each other after all. If she's interested in you, she should start exhibiting some of these behaviors. If you start noticing them and you want to do something about it, the next big step is to take the plunge and ask her if she likes you.