Writing LinkedIn recommendations for people with whom you have had a positive experience in your professional life is a great way to build them up while also strengthening your network. Not only will they appreciate your endorsement, but many will probably be inclined to reciprocate by posting a recommendation for you. This, of course, can help you stand out to company leaders who are considering team members for promotions, or to recruiters who are looking for candidates to hire.
How to Write the Best LinkedIn Recommendations
Writing a LinkedIn recommendation doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. The best recommendations are short, but convey specifics about what the person is like as a professional. This means that you should provide insights into both the person's work style and personality. When writing a LinkedIn recommendation, be sure to:
- Share information about how you know the person from a professional perspective.
- Give an example of how their professional actions have impacted you positively.
- Make it clear that you are providing an endorsement for the person as a professional.
- Be specific by using distinct examples to back up what you are saying about the person.
LinkedIn Recommendations Examples for Workplace Peers

Want your co-workers to see you as a strong team member who focuses on building up their peers? Take the time to write LinkedIn recommendations for them. The following are examples of what you can write.
- Current peer - It is a joy to be a member of the same team as [insert name]. It is wonderful to work side-by-side with someone that I know I can count on to honor their commitments and contribute positively to the team. That is exactly what [insert name] does. [Insert name] is a highly skilled [insert occupation] who not only has a strong work ethic but also contributes positively to the team as a whole. It's wonderful to have a co-worker who is just as concerned with supporting the overall team as they are with focusing on their own goals. I'm proud to call [insert name] my peer. They would be a great member of any team; I'm so glad they're on mine.
- Former team member - When I reflect on what it was like to be on the same team as [insert name], the first word that comes to mind is collaboration. In addition to being reliable, dependable, and creative, [insert name] always went out of their way to encourage everyone to speak up and contribute, which led to a fabulous collaborative work environment. The work of our team was much stronger because they were a part of it; they played a major role in the success of our department and the company as a whole. I wholeheartedly recommend [insert name] to any company looking to add a true team player to their organization.
LinkedIn Recommendations Examples for a Manager
If you are planning to write a LinkedIn recommendation for a current or former manager, focus what you say on their supervisory and leadership abilities rather than on what it was like to work on the same team with them.
- Current manager - Everyone should be so fortunate to have a manager like [insert name], who became my supervisor in [insert year]. [Insert name] consistently provides clear instructions and shares feedback on an ongoing basis. As a result, I always know what is expected of me, and I have a good idea of how I am performing. This allows me to feel confident in my work and to consistently perform at my best. They are also always willing to listen and discuss ideas or concerns, which really helps me feel supported in my job and respected as a professional. [Insert name] is truly an example of what an effective manager should be.
- Former manager - I have worked with several managers throughout my career, and can confidently say that [insert name] was among the very best. During the time I reported to [insert name], I felt very supported in my job as a(n) [insert job title]. They did a great job communicating expectations, sharing feedback, listening, and helping me grow in my career. Not only did [insert name] excel with the supervisory aspects of their job, they also set a really positive example of leadership for me and the other employees on the team. [Insert name's] management style opened my eyes to what an exceptional manager is really like. If you have a chance to add them to your team, I highly encourage you to do so.
Sample LinkedIn Recommendation for Colleagues

You probably also have professional experience with a lot of colleagues who aren't your boss or immediate teammates. In that case, any recommendations you write should be adjusted based on the nature of your relationship with the subject.
- Client - [Insert name] is an outstanding marketing director who seeks to maximize their firm's return on investment while building a strong brand. I know this because I worked directly with [insert name] as a client when I was an account manager with their company's advertising agency of record. It was a joy to work with a client who was concerned with the impact of every advertising dollar spent on both the company's image and its bottom line. If you're looking for a savvy marketing expert who can guide your organization toward profitability and sustainability, I highly recommend [insert name].
- Consultant - When [insert name] provided consulting services to our company, they treated the project as if they were truly a part of our team. I never felt like I was working with a supplier focused on making a sale, but rather like I was working with another executive focused 100 percent on helping our organization accomplish its vision and mission. If you are looking to work with a [type of consultant] consultant who will prioritize the needs of your organization, as if it were their own, while also lending the perspective and insights of an outside expert, you can do no better than [insert name].
- Vendor - When my company needed new office furniture, I was fortunate enough to meet [insert name]. We needed to furnish an open floor plan office but did not know how to best use the space or what pieces to purchase. [Insert name] personally visited our location and helped us figure out what we needed to do to optimize the space. They drew up several layouts using specific furniture items so we could visualize what the finished space would look like based on our options. This allowed us to purchase exactly what we needed to get the desired result. If you're looking for someone to help you make the most of your office space, I highly recommend [insert name].
- Professional organization member - I first met [insert name] when we both volunteered to serve on the conference committee for [professional organization name] in [insert year]. That was the first of many committees and projects that we have worked on together since that time. [Insert name] is great to work with. They contribute great ideas, work collaboratively with others, and focus on results. Any time I am asked to be on a committee for [insert professional organization], I ask if [insert name] is also involved. When the answer is yes, I am quick to agree. If you're looking to work with a team player who honors their commitments and sets a positive example for others, I highly recommend [insert name].
Examples LinkedIn Recommendations for a Mentor
If you have been fortunate enough to have people mentor you in your career, share your appreciation with a positive LinkedIn recommendation. Some mentors may be people you worked with at a company, while others may be educators who contributed positively to your career development.
- Workplace mentor - Every early career professional should be so fortunate to have a mentor like [insert name]. I initially met [insert name] when I started my first job out of college. I was in an entry-level position and [insert name] was in a much higher-level role in my department. Even though [insert name] wasn't my boss, they made a point of welcoming me to the team and providing guidance and direction. I credit them for helping me excel in that job through actions that benefitted me personally, as well as the company for which we worked. If you're looking to hire someone with a knack for nurturing talent and a willingness to go above and beyond, I highly recommend [insert name].
- Educational mentor - [Insert name] just might be the person who had the most direct impact on my decision to pursue a career as [insert occupation]. [Insert name] inspired me to believe in myself, not only to do well in school but also to find a path that would allow me to leverage my natural skills and abilities into a career path where I could excel. If you're looking to work with an educator who can go beyond just teaching course content (which they do very well), but can also inspire students to find their path to success, then [insert name] is a perfect choice. My success is a testament to their track record.
How Long Should LinkedIn Recommendations Be?
LinkedIn has a maximum of 3,000 characters for recommendations. This is about 500 words (give or take), but your goal should not be to use all of the available characters. The best LinkedIn recommendations are just a few sentences long.
- Don't approach writing this type of recommendation as if you're trying to reach a certain number of words.
- Instead, think about how you can accurately explain what is great about the person as a professional in as few words as possible.
Remember: Less is more. People who review recommendations on LinkedIn are more likely to quickly scan what is there rather than to delve into lengthy descriptions.
Each Recommendation Should Be Unique
When writing LinkedIn recommendations, be sure to approach the task thoughtfully. Each recommendation should be a unique testament to the person it describes. By taking the time to reflect on how you know them, how they have impacted you positively, and what kinds of opportunities you can honestly endorse them for, you'll be able to craft meaningful statements that can help influence how LinkedIn users perceive the people you are recommending. You'll also strengthen your professional bond with the people you are writing about, and ultimately boost your own professional presence on LinkedIn and in the real world.