A rainbow baby is born following the loss of a pregnancy, a stillbirth, or a death in infancy. For parents, rainbow babies are the answer to countless prayers and the proof that sometimes the most beautiful things come from the deepest and darkest of life's storms. These rainbow baby announcements are absolutely priceless, and they are giving everyone all the feels.
Rainbow Baby Announcements With Siblings
Pregnancy and infant loss can happen to anyone at any time. Many women are shocked when they lose a pregnancy or baby after giving birth to a healthy child. Adding to the family is a dream for many women, so when they finally learn that they will be giving their child a sibling, they will want to sing their joy from the rooftops.
Umbrella Announcement
Have your child (or children) sit with a rainbow-colored umbrella. Snap some fun pics of the sibling-to-be and pair the images with a saying announcing your family's rainbow baby is arriving later in the year.
Have Fun With Balloons
Kids and balloons go together perfectly. Purchase rainbow-colored balloons and have your kids hold on to them. Snap some pictures of your gang and use your fun balloon images in a pregnancy announcement to friends and family. You can also use balloons in announcements sans older kids. Just tie a rainbow-colored balloon to one parent's shoes, another colored balloon to the other parent's shoes, and finally a third colored balloon to a tiny pair of shoes signifying the new baby to be.
Big Sister/Big Brother Shirts
Having kids sport Big Sis and Big Bro shirts is a common way to announce a new baby is joining the family. If you are expecting a rainbow baby, make sure the shirt that your new baby's sibling is wearing has rainbow-colored lettering. This will tie in the fact that the new baby is a rainbow baby, and the announcement will still be a classic.
Rainbow Baby Announcement Following the Baby's Birth
Some parents are hesitant to announce they are expecting because of the previous loss. It is perfectly fine for parents to choose to introduce the world to their new baby after the baby is born. These announcements are lovely rainbow baby announcements to try out after you deliver your little miracle.
Chalk Wonders
Draw a giant rainbow on your driveway and write the announcement of your rainbow baby near the design. Set your bundle of joy in a bassinet, or hold your darling in your arms and have some pictures snapped. Chalk announcements are easy and cheap ways to announce a new arrival, and they can be easily tailored to showcase or read whatever the parents choose.

A Baby Snoozing on a Rainbow
Sleeping babies are precious. To announce to the world that your long-awaited miracle has finally arrived, create a rainbow out of materials or other objects that create a stunning, textural visual effect. Place your sleeping baby at the end of the rainbow because they are nothing if not the sunshine after the storms.

Perfect Rainbow Baby Announcement Maternity Photoshoots
Many women want to do maternity photoshoots to remember this special part of their lives forever. Work in some rainbow elements to help make your rainbow baby announcement extra special.
Handprint Photo Shoot
Hike up your shirt and paint that beautiful belly! Paint your hands with rainbow colors. Place the painted hands on your bulging belly. Take some pictures to use in an announcement, letting family and friends know that you are embarking on the greatest journey in life.
The Greatest Gift
If friends and family are coming over and you want to subtly let them know that following your loss, you are expecting again, tie a rainbow-colored ribbon around your belly. Attach a small gift tag to the ribbon that reads: The Greatest Gift. It may take a second for everyone to figure out you are preggers and not just trying out a new fashion trend.
Clouds of Rainbow Smoke
Colored smoke makes for a spectacular scene. You'll need to have smoke in all different colors, and you will want to stand pretty far in front of where the colors will billow because this stuff has been known to stain. Release the colored smoke all at the same time, creating a rainbow effect behind you. Cradle your belly and have someone capture everything on camera. What a beautiful and creative way to announce that you are indeed expecting.
Add a Rainbow for Visual Effect
Visual effects are easily added to images with the help of modern technology. Hold a maternity session where pictures are snapped of you and your belly. Using current visual effect technologies, add a subtle rainbow into the background. This is a coy way of hinting that this pregnancy is a rainbow baby pregnancy.
Express Your Joy With Shirts
Clothing is a wonderful way to express oneself, and some mothers might choose to share their unique pregnancy journey with specially designed onesies or carefully chosen maternity wear. Wearing your joy is a special way to announce that your greatest blessing is on his/her way.
Celebrate Your Joy With a Onesie
You can buy or make a onesie announcing your baby is finally on its way to your arms. A white onesie with colorful words "Rainbow Baby: Arriving in (due date)" makes for a perfect announcement in photographs or in person.
Show Your Love For Science
Some people need a little intervention from science to make their pregnancy dreams come true. Pay homage to modern medicine with a fun onesie that reads: Made with love and science. When it comes down to it, it doesn't matter how you become a parent; what matters is that you get the opportunity to love your little person.

Matching Rainbow Outfits
You went through some storms to reach the end of your rainbow. After your baby arrives, announce/'his or her arrival with a matching outfit photo session. Put your baby in a rainbow onesie and dress yourself in matching rainbow apparel. Share your images in an announcement, telling friends and family that you finally have your dream come true.
Rock a Rainbow Gown
If there were ever a time to rock a flowing rainbow gown, it would be during this pregnancy. Find something colorful and rainbow-like and have pictures taken of you in your rainbow dress. Turn these images into a rainbow baby announcement by adding the due date or a simple saying like: Rainbow Baby on the Way!
Rainbow Baby Announcements Using Signs and Boards
Using boards and signs helps to convey a message or a pregnancy announcement. So many fun announcements can be created with signboards, creative thinking, and an eye for detail.
Here Comes the Sun
Using a chalkboard or a letter board, write "Here Comes the Sun" on the board. Add rainbow details and a picture of your most recent sonogram to complete the announcement.
Calendar With a Super Special Date
Purchase a blank calendar and circle the due date that your rainbow baby is expected to make his/her debut. Add a sonogram picture to the calendar corner and surround the calendar outline with objects in rainbow color. The rainbow surrounding can be comprised of brightly colored flowers, scarves, building blocks, or anything that comes in an array of bright colors.
Living the Sweet Life
Announce to your loved ones that life is about to get much sweeter with the addition of your rainbow baby. Using a letter board sign or a chalkboard sign, write your baby's due date with the saying, Living the Sweet Life. Surround the board with skittles or rainbow-colored cupcakes or cookies.
After the Storm Comes the Rainbow
A popular saying to work into a rainbow baby announcement is the saying, "After the Storm Comes the Rainbow." Display the saying on a letter board or a chalkboard sign with a picture of a rainbow, the due date, and a pair of tiny shoes.

Can't Have a Rainbow Without a Little Rain
For this announcement, draw an umbrella on a chalkboard sign with rainbow-colored raindrops falling. Write the saying, "You can't have a rainbow without a little rain," on the sign along with the news of your rainbow baby and his/her due date.
Creative Announcements for Loved Ones
Sometimes the sweetest, most amazing pregnancy announcements are the ones shared with loved ones. These announcements aren't meant for Facebook, Instagram, or friends at the office, but they are perfect for parents, partners, and siblings who have been by your side for your pregnancy journey.
Rainbow Mailbox
Using washable paint, turn your mailbox into a rainbow. Tie a pink and blue balloon to the mailbox post, and make sure to capture your partner's expression when they pull into the driveway after a long day of work. If they zone out and miss the display, make sure you send them back out for the day's mail.

A Nursery Rainbow or Artwork
Hanging a rainbow on a future nursery wall or adding a rainbow mobile into a room designated for a future nursery is a catchy way to announce to your partner that you both will soon be parents. Place the rainbow decoration somewhere it won't be missed and ask your partner to retrieve something out of the room for you. They might be confused for a few minutes, so be there to help them with hints until they put it all together and realize your rainbow baby dreams are coming true.
Draw a Rainbow Path on the Drive
If you want to surprise loved ones with news of a rainbow baby on the way, invite them over to your home for a reveal. Create a rainbow path up your driveway. They will wonder what is going on as they walk up to your front door. Greet them with a second clue, perhaps a more obvious one, like a shirt or a framed ultrasound picture in the room where everyone will first gather.
Landing on the Right Words for Parents Expecting Rainbow Babies
When someone you know is expecting after a loss, it can be challenging to fall upon the rights words that will capture your happiness for them while acknowledging their deep loss and sadness. The news of a rainbow baby can be a mixed bag of feelings and emotions, and thus, choosing the correct expression puts some people between a rock and a hard place. If you are grappling for the perfect expression regarding a rainbow baby, try a few of these beautiful quotes specific to the occasion. So long as your words are sincere and heartfelt, they will likely be perfect.