Let the parents in your neighborhood know you're in business - and mean business - with the best babysitting flyers on the block. Customize these free babysitting flyer templates and then print them and place around town or post them on reputable mom groups on social media! Either way, you calendar might just be filled with work faster than you think.
Printable Babysitting Flyers to Help Build Your Business
If you're ready to get your babysitting business started, print off any of these customizable templates. Click on the image of the flyer that you like best. Then, hit the download icon and tailor the text to reflect your personal information. When you're happy with the flyer, print full-color copies. If you have any trouble using the printable blank babysitting flyers shown below, our Adobe Guide has lots of troubleshooting tips.
You can also post these simple flyers online. Your own babysitting website, social media, and online groups can be good places to virtually post your services and let people see your credentials at a glance.
Catchy & Professional Babysitting Flyer Template
For a professional and realistic look, you can customize a flyer like this that gives all your details. This can also be a spectacular template for the babysitters who watch both young and older kids.
Cute & Creative Babysitting Flyer Template
Use a flyer that features cute images and plenty of details about your experience. Mentioning activities for older kids can also catch the eye of moms and dads whose kids have graduated out of the baby, toddler, and preschool-age window.
Caring Babysitting Flyer Template
Show potential clients that you are caring and responsible by using this endearing and professional flyer. The sweet cartoon sitter holding a the child gives parents an indication that you care about your job and the kids you're in charge of. There's even a spot to list your website, professional social media page, or profile on a national babysitting site.
Bears and Balloons Babysitting Flyer Template
Let parents know you are all about love and comfort with this sweet flyer. The happy teddy bear and colorful balloons are sure to attract kids' attention too!
Fun Baby Toys Babysitting Flyer Template
If you specialize in caring for infants or young kids, this flyer might be the perfect choice. It features soft colors and baby toys to show you understand this age group.
What to Put on a Babysitting Flyer
Your flyer should only provide necessary information. Clients can ask for more detailed information when they call you. Simple information includes:
- Your first and last name
- Your phone number
- Your website address
- Your rates
- Your general availability (for example: Weeknights 6 PM - 9 PM and Weekends 9 AM - 11 PM)
- If you specialize in caring for a specific type of child (special needs, a specific age range, etc.)
- Any certifications you hold like child CPR and First Aid or a babysitter's course
- One or two recommendation quotes from past clients (only include the person's first name for privacy)
- Your GPA - If you plan to babysit older kids, offering to help with schoolwork can be a winning quality, if you have the grades to prove your abilities.
Mention Specifics Parents Will Remember
Parents will always be looking for specific qualities in a babysitter. You can showcase these attributes by using a relevant phrase like:
- Experienced Babysitter
- Certified Babysitter
- References Available
- Experience Working With Kids Ages (list age range)
- Own Transportation
- Available Evenings and Weekends
- Your Current Vaccinations - Some parents are more serious than others about staying healthy. COVID and flu vaccinations can be the reason they choose you over someone else.
Get Creative With Babysitting Catchphrases & Captions
Also, any good advertisement is incomplete without the right catchy phrasing! Babysitter captions can be a fantastic way to catch a parent's attention and keep you on their mind. For example:
- Every child deserves a babysitter that cares.
- Stress less when you hire a reliable babysitter.
- Hire a babysitter who doesn't believe in 'sitting:' I'll engage your kids.
- Babysitting isn't a job; it's a mindset.
- Need a remedy for the busy days? [Your Babysitting Service or Name] is here to help.
- Helping parents, one quiet moment at a time
- Discover childcare that really cares.
- Babysitting services tailored to your child
- When you need a little R & R, call a babysitter has it: reliability and responsibility.
Other Ideas to Make Your Babysitting Advertisement Stand Out
While you want to keep your flyer clear and easy to read, there are a few other things you can think about including to help it stand out and potentially get more jobs. These might be:
- Activities and games you normally bring for the kids to enjoy
- Information on tutoring services for certain age groups
- School courses that you have completed that relate to babysitting (Child Development, Child Pyschology, Special Education, etc.)
- Regular volunteer efforts that involve kids (Boys and Girls Club, Early Head Start, etc.)
- Highlight your experience with long-term babysitting jobs to show your dedication.
- To drive more business, considering including a coupon or discount incentive for first-time clients or for a certain number of services.
- Mention extra services you're willing to do, such as pet care or light housekeeping duties.
- You can use cute or funny clip-art to make it catchy - but don't go over the top or it could feel unprofessional.
Information to Leave Out
While it might be tempting to write paragraphs about yourself and your skills, there is some information that has no place on your flyer.
- Your home address - Anyone in public can see these flyers, so it's important to keep yourself safe from unwanted strangers.
- Pleas for money - Parents want to hire you because you're a good worker, not because you need money.
- Phrases like "loves kids" - If you want to be a babysitter, you obviously like kids. This makes it sound like you're trying too hard.
- Specific kinds of kids you don't want to work with - Try to leave off any exclusions that might make you sound rude or unkind.
Be Strategic With Your Babysitting Flyer Placement
Since you'll either be hanging them in public places or handing them out, you don't necessarily need to cover your posters with plastic sleeves. However, if you plan to hang your posters in open areas, you should definitely weatherproof them. Try to think in the mindset of a parent. Where do parents shop? Where do they take their children? Those are the places you want your flyers to be seen.
- Ask your local businesses if you can hang flyers on their property either in a highly visible window or on a community bulletin board.
- Give copies of your flyers to current clients and ask them to share with their friends who have kids.
- Walk around one area of your town at a time and knock on doors to give flyers directly to people. Try to hit houses that obviously have children like those with kids' toys outside.
Use the Internet to Your Advantage
Social media is another fantastic place to post your posters! One of the best ways to use Facebook to your advantage is to join mom groups. There are private communities of parents who would likely be eager to hear about your services. Babysitters can request to join and then contact the admin on the page to ask permission about posting your services.
Not all groups allow advertising on their feeds, so don't take a 'no' the wrong way. Just thank the administrator of the page for their time and move on to the next group.
How to Make Your Own Babysitting Flyer
You can make a babysitting flyer on your computer, or if you want to go old-school, you can even make a fun and creative one by hand. The key is to make it legible, informative, personal, and professional. Using brightly colored paper and ink will help capture the attention of people walking by and boost your business.
Use a Word Processing Program
You can use a basic programs like Microsoft Word or Google Docs on your home computer, using any of the above templates as examples to inpsire you.
- Start with a blank document then choose the font style, size, color, and placement of the words to make your own flyer.
- You can add in fun child-friendly clip art or personal photographs to make the poster look more professional.
Make Standard Paper Posters
Purchase small sheets of poster board from any general merchandise store. They typically come in packs of three with several color choices.
- Use letter stencils and poster paint markers to create the text in the center of your poster.
- Glue on embellishments like border pieces or clip art images.
- Make sure you use the same wording and colors on all your posters to create a recognizable brand.
Make a Tear-Away Flyer
A tear-away flyer features little strips at the bottom of the page that parents can rip off and take home so they have your phone number. You can create one from any standard paper flyer.
- Use a ruler to section off the bottom edge of your poster into several equal sections.
- Write your name, the word "babysitter," and your phone number on each section.
- Cut each section on the left and the right so the top of each section is still attached to the flyer.
Make a Postcard Flyer
Make your own business postcards by printing out 5 by 7 pictures of yourself.
- Choose an image that shows off your babysitting skills, like making crafts or one that is just a headshot of your smiling face.
- Type or write your information on a piece of paper that is slightly smaller than the photo.
- Use a glue stick to attach the paper to the back of the picture.
- Be sure to add a caption to the front of the photo as well that includes your name and details about your babysitting business.
Show Professionalism With Flyers
Once you have created professional looking flyers and have taken the time to post them in ideal locales, the next step is to remain patient and persistent in developing your client base. Remember that all small businesses, whether they be babysitting or a large corporate endeavor, take time and serious effort to be successful. The more time you invest, the better your chance of getting jobs and earning money for your pocket!