Being homeschooled doesn't mean you need to miss out on school milestones like high school class rings for homeschool or high school diplomas. For most post-secondary plans such as going to college or joining the military, a homeschool diploma holds the same merit as a public high school diploma. You can even use an editable homeschool diploma template to create your own professional document.
Free Editable Homeschool Diploma Templates
Free homeschool diploma templates make it easy for you to create a professional-looking certificate. You can simply change out the personal information for your child and your child's schooling, then print. Click on the image of the diploma you want to use. From there you can download, edit, and print the diploma using the handy troubleshooting guide if you run into any problems.
Elementary Homeschool Diploma Template
In some public schools, kids graduate from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school prior to their graduation from high school. You can give your homeschooled children a chance to celebrate any of these milestones with a free elementary homeschool diploma template. This design features a nice leaf border with a green and gold color scheme and room for one parent to sign.

High School Homeschool Diploma Template
A homeschool high school diploma template should look more formal than an elementary diploma because it will be used for things like gaining employment as an adult. This editable template features a blue and gold color scheme with a beautiful book emblem. There is room for both parents to sign.

Homeschool Group Diploma Template
Students who attend a local homeschool group, like a homeschool co-op or church homeschool group, can all receive the same diploma just like they would if they attended a public school. This black and white diploma template features an institutional badge to indicate the group atmosphere and room for the group's leader and the student's parents to sign.

Where to Get a Homeschool Diploma
A diploma is basically an official document given to a student who has completed a specific program of study. There are a few different ways to get homeschool diplomas depending on what type of homeschool program you've chosen.
- Parents create a professional-looking diploma as their child's teacher.
- The accredited homeschool program your child completes will send them a diploma.
- The virtual school, correspondence school, or other homeschool institution will send your child a diploma when they've met all the requirements.
- On very rare occasions, your local public school district may present a diploma to your child if you ask and your child has completed and proven completion of graduation requirements.
Homeschool Diploma Requirements
According to the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA), homeschool diplomas don't have many requirements and are not valid until signed by a parent or the student's homeschool teacher. In many cases, you'll need to present both a diploma and homeschool transcripts for things like college entrance.
What to Include on a Homeschool Diploma
Whether you receive a diploma from a homeschool program or make one yourself, it should include a few basic pieces of information.
- The name of the homeschool
- The full name of the graduate
- The city or town and state where the homeschooling took place
- A statement about what kind of diploma it is (kindergarten, high school, etc.)
- A statement or statements indicating the student has finished a specific program of study and met its completion requirements
- The date the diploma was issued
- A signature or signatures from the person or people overseeing the student's education (parent, tutor, etc.)
Homeschool Diploma Design
A homeschool diploma will serve the same purposes as a public school diploma, so it should look just as professional. Colleges, employers, and even military recruiters will want to see the diploma and expect it to look well made.
- Use an elegant font that is still readable.
- Enlarge the homeschool name and the student's name so they stand out.
- Use formal language.
- Ensure the certificate is free of spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Sign the document using black ink.
- Print the certificate on a high quality, off-white paper.
Homeschool Graduation Curriculum
Requirements for secondary graduation, even from a homeschool, vary by state.
- Check with your state education department to see if there are special rules or guidelines your homeschool curriculum must follow for your child to earn a diploma.
- Use a simple guide to high school homeschooling to help you plan an appropriate curriculum that will ensure your child meets graduation requirements.
- For high schoolers in particular, homeschool record keeping is imperative.
The Significance of a Homeschool Diploma
Homeschooled students can still participate in the ceremony of graduation, like giving a homeschool graduation speech and receiving a high school diploma if the family plans such an event. Despite what homeschooling myths might say, a homeschool diploma carries just as much weight as any standard public school diploma when it comes to feeling accomplished, college, jobs, and the military.