Friday gets all the glory for being everyone's favorite day of the week, and Monday gets the prize for the most dreaded day, but when it comes to Thursday, people have all sorts of thoughts. Some love it, as it signifies the end of the workweek, while others hate it for just another long day in a long week. No matter your feelings about this day of the week, there is bound to be a Thursday quote to perfectly capture your feelings.
Thursday Quotes That Motivate You to Power Through

You have arrived at Thursday morning, and this means you are so close to closing out the workweek. Use these quotes to solider on and power through. Let them motivate you to make Thursday yours!
- You handled Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday like a boss. You can do Thursday no problem.
- The only way to get through a Thursday is by having is a good attitude and a cupcake.
- Thursday means you have one more day to make this an amazing week. It's a day of opportunity.
- Every Thursday, wake up as if it were Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is the day you have been waiting for.
- If Thursday were a song, it would be "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips.
- Go out on Thursday. Make it your reward. Friday won't care.
Famous Thursday Quotes

These quotes dedicated to Thursday prove how you approach this day in the week is all up to you. It can be a day of hope and relief, reminding everyone that their beloved Friday is right around the corner or a day to hide under your desk and sleep until you clock out!
- "Thursday, I forecast as mostly sunny. It's a much-needed break." - John Farley
- "Thursdays bring a focus to our week to complete all that needs to be done" - Byron Pulsifer
- "Start your Thursday with an attitude of optimism. It's going to be a good day!" - Kate Summers
- "Thursday is perhaps the worst day of the week. It's nothing in itself; it just reminds you that the week has been going on too long." - Nicci French
- "I wish you a tolerable Thursday. That's all any of us can hope for." - April Winchell
- "Thursday comes, and the week's gone." - George Herbert (Seriously though, where did it go?)
- "If I don't die by Thursday, I'll be roaring Friday night." Jimmy Buffett
- "This must be Thursday. I never could get the hang of Thursdays." - Douglas Adams
- "Happy Thursday! Greet your problems and decisions with peace and calm. Use your inner wisdom to evaluate and make smart decisions for yourself! You got this!" - Tracey Edmonds
Funny Thursday Quote to Keep You Smiling All Week

If it has been a doozy of a week, use these funny Thursday quotes to remind yourself that you are almost to the finish line. Have a sense of humor about the day and smile because tomorrow is Friday!
- Thursday is definitely the middle child. Not demanding like firstborn Monday, nor endearing like Friday, the family baby. Thursday just hangs around, trying not to ruffle any feathers.
- If we start calling Thursday "Friday Eve," it will instantaneously be something to celebrate.
- Time to wake up and smell the almost-Friday, Happy Thursday, people!
- Know what rhymes with Thursday? Tired.
- Sit down, fake Friday. Try as you might, you are still Thursday.
- Thursday...At least it isn't Monday.
- It's hard to make employees love Thursday, so put donuts in the breakroom. Start there. Donuts don't make Thursday a Friday, but they make people happy.
- You have to feel bad for poor Thursday as it sits smack dab in the middle of miserable hump day and the greatest day of the week. Awkward.
- Thursday basically ends the week. From here on out, all energy goes into the weekend.
- "Too late in the week to do anything. Will put everything off until Monday." - Thursday
Quotes That Remind You Thursday Is Actually the Best Day!

Okay, Friday is awesome, but perhaps Thursday is the better day! These quotes argue that Thursday is the actual day to count down to. There, we said it. Fight us.
- Everyone loves a long weekend, and you can't have one without Thursday. Thursday starts the party, people!
- Thursday is a day to remember how strong you are, how much crap you put up with during the week, and how deserving you are of a margarita.
- With the term "thirsty Thursday" and an association with post-work libations, the day really can not be anything other than a day to look forward to.
- Thursday: Anything THAT close to the weekend has to be a good thing!
- Thursday is the day in the week that reminds you things could be so much worse (looking at YOU Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.)
Have a Great Day No Matter the Day of the Week
Whether you are sluggishly rolling through Monday, dreading a meeting filled Tuesday, believing this will never end by hump day, seeing the light at the end of a trying Thursday, or smiling because it is finally Friday, YOU have the power to make any day of the week wonderful. With the right mindset, a positive outlook, and a heart full of gratitude to be alive, any day can be perceived as a great day.