Wisdom comes from life's experiences, and it's usually pretty hard-earned. We're all about living in wisdom, earning more, and sharing it with others so they can grow, too. Our wisdom quotes will inspire you to seek wisdom and share the wisdom you've gained with others.
Short and Powerful Wisdom Quotes

Sometimes, few words convey powerful meanings. These short quotes on wisdom say a lot with just a few words.
- Wisdom is a byproduct of living.
- Look to the question, not the answer.
- A wise person has a big heart, a curious brain, and open ears.
- Wisdom is trusting the timing of the universe.
- Wisdom is patiently waiting for the clouds to part and the sun to shine.
- True wisdom means knowing that you truly never know everything.
- Be wise enough to recognize each moment in life as a gift.
- Learning is the root of wisdom.
- All epic adventures begin with a single step forward.
- Wisdom is never accidental.
- You have to seek wisdom before you can speak wisdom.
Wise Quotes That Will Guide Your Success

Success in life is measured in countless ways. These wise quotes are geared towards those looking to achieve their wildest hopes and dreams.
- Be bold enough to have dreams, brave enough to chase them, and wise enough to enjoy the ride.
- The wise don't wait to enjoy the view from the top of the mountain. They recognize the beauty in the journey upwards.
- Be wise enough to recognize every opportunity that comes your way.
- Wisdom is the willingness to pivot and change directions at any given time.
- A wise man doesn't look for the path to success, he paves it.
- A wise person knows that moving mountains often requires moving one small pebble at a time.
- Be wise enough to appreciate your past and recognize it isn't a part of your future.
- Be wise enough not to dwell on closed doors and to look for open windows.
- Wise is the one who walks against the grain.
- Be rich in wisdom, and you will be wealthy beyond measure.
Wisdom Quotes About Life

You've probably heard that life experience brings wisdom, and it does — if you allow it to. These quotes about gaining wisdom from life discuss hard-earned wisdom gleaned from living life.
- Wisdom is everywhere. Be open to receiving it.
- Sometimes, the wisest people have had the most challenging life paths.
- Challenges in life are the quickest path to gaining wisdom.
- Truly gaining wisdom from life requires deep humility.
- There is wisdom to be gained in everything you do in life. You just have to be willing to find it.
- Be humble enough to know whether the wisdom you wish to share with others is truly wise.
- With deep life experience comes deep wisdom.
- Just because you're old doesn't mean you're wise. It all depends on what you've gained from your life experiences.
- Life's greatest tribulations lead to life's deepest wisdom.
- Sometimes, there's deep wisdom in knowing you're not as wise as you think you are.
Wise Words Quotes

Sharing wise words can help others find a better path, and receiving wise words is a form of self-care. These quotes about wise words get to the heart of the matter.
- Words of wisdom sometimes come from the most unexpected places.
- To hear the wisdom in another's words, you must fully listen.
- Saying wise things and doing them are totally different things.
- Only offer words of wisdom that you, yourself, follow.
- Wise words fall on deaf ears if you don't have an open heart.
- Share wise words from a place of compassion.
- Listen to wise words with your heart, not your ego.
- Sometimes, the wisest words are no words at all.
- Wise words come from your heart, not your brain.
- No matter how wise you believe you are, always be open to hearing wise words from someone else.
Reflective Quotes About Growing Wiser

As time passes, humans hope to continue growing wiser. These sayings on wisdom reflect the evolution of the mind, heart, and soul.
- Wisdom is a powerful tree in the mind's forest. It grows stronger and sturdier, and, with time, it becomes an undeniable component of a person's landscape.
- Learn to listen, and you will grow wise.
- Wisdom cannot be rushed. It comes in its own time.
- Patience and time grow the seed that blossoms into wisdom.
- Wisdom lives inside all who are quiet enough to listen for it.
- With every wrinkle is a story, a lesson, or a step in wisdom and realization.
- Growing older means being wise enough to know when to let things go and let things be.
- Never decide you are smart enough. Be wise enough to recognize that there's always more to learn.
- A wise man never wears his wisdom like a badge.
- Growing wise means learning what to put your energy into and what to walk away from.
Spiritual Wisdom Quotes

These quotes about spiritual wisdom capture the essence of soul growth.
- A dark night of the soul creates wisdom that brings about change.
- Listen to the wisdom of the universe by meditating.
- Life's most challenging experiences bring the greatest amounts of wisdom.
- Wisdom leads to enlightenment.
- The wisest words from the universe whisper through life's storms.
- You carry the wisdom of the cosmos inside of you. All you need to do is unlock it.
- The wisdom of the sages is available to all who seek it.
- "Patience is the companion of wisdom." - St. Augustine
- Taking the time to connect to your soul connects you to wisdom.
- Wisdom speaks to you through intuition.
Inspiring Quotes About Wisdom

There is so much power in growing wise. Harnessing your personal wisdom is a mighty success that can never be taken away from you. Becoming wise is a powerful part of your being.
- It's a wise person who sees the word "impossible" and views it as "I'M-Possible."
- Having no response is often the wisest, most commanding response of all.
- Only the wise recognize that wisdom doesn't have to include words.
- When given the choice, be wise in actions over wise in words.
- Your words carry so much power. Always pack them with wisdom.
- The wisest people know that anything in life that's worth something is kept in the heart.
- All wise people begin their journey of knowledge by learning to know themselves first and best.
- Wisdom is the reward for practiced patience, a life of learning, and a well-used listening ear.
- Intend to be as wise as nature, for she never gets pace or cadence wrong.
- An open mind and an open heart are the cornerstones of wisdom.
Cute and Funny Quotes About Wisdom

Only the truly wise will nod along to these funny and cute quotes on wisdom. Growing wise isn't all serious business.
- Wisdom is learning to say, "You're right," to your partner as frequently as possible.
- Aim for the wisdom of a 100 year-old, the drive of a 30 year-old, and the perseverance of a three year-old.
- Wisdom and wine share commonalities. They both start with "w." You drink them both up. You cannot get enough of either.
- You can force a smile, force your foot into a pretty, too-small shoe, but you cannot force wisdom.
- Listen to words of wisdom, especially when those words are telling you to go drink margaritas and eat tacos.
- "I am pretty wisdomous." - Joey Tribbiani (Matt LeBlanc), Friends
Wise Woman Quotes
These quotes on growing into the wisest of women remind females everywhere that the power to change the universe lies in their ever-capable, wise hands.
- Little girls with big dreams grow into wise women who change the world.
- Wise women don't wait for a hero and a fairytale ending. They are the hero, and they make the fairytale ending.
- Wise women turn their heads from drama and know they have better things to do.
- Foolish women tell you their worth. Wise women know their worth.
- A woman full of wisdom doesn't need validation from anyone but herself.
- Wise women will always raise other women up, never tear them down.
- The wisest of women know what can be forced and what simply must be allowed to unfurl in time.
- Wear wisdom as you would wear diamonds. Drip in it.
- If given a choice to be beautiful or be wise, remind yourself that you can always be both.
Famous Quotes on Wisdom

These quotes on applying wisdom to the world around you should be worked into everyone's life mantras. Repeat them over and over, challenge yourself to live by these wise words, and work towards a wiser and better life.
- "Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it." - Albert Einstein
- "Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned." - Frank Sonnenberg
- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; Fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
- Knowledge is knowing what to say. Wisdom is knowing when to say it." - Anonymous
- "Wisdom is the daughter of experience." - Anonymous
- "Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens." - Jimi Hendrix
- "Turn your wounds into wisdom." - Oprah Winfrey
- "The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life." - Confucius
- "Knowledge is learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something every day." - Zen Proverb
- "Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life." - Sandra Carey
- "A loving heart is the truest wisdom." - Charles Dickens
Growing Wise Is a Gift
Every human strives to reach a place of wisdom, and life offers lessons to help you grow. Never assume you know all truths. Be open and available to all lessons in life, no matter how challenging, and welcome wisdom as a genuine gift in humanity. Be sure to value the trait, nurture it, and pass it along when you can.