One of the most important things about poems for teenage drug abuse is that they can help teens in one of two situations. The first way they can help teens is by empathizing with those teens who themselves have trouble with drugs. The second way is by empathizing with those who have friends with drug problems. Like most teenage poems, ones for teenage drug abuse target a specific feeling and emotion.
Poems to Read
If you have been looking for a poem about teenage drug abuse to help you through how you are feeling, here are a few below:
Oh, help me
I do not know where I am
I do not know who I am
I wonder how I got here
I wonder what to say
I do not know what to do
My hands feel different than before
My world feels unlike my own
I do not know where I am
Oh, help me find my way
I am drowning in this sea of pills
And I do not see a lifesaver.
Can you manage for me a hand?
No Good, No Listening
I hate to see you like this
You say it is no big deal
But I know that what you are doing is wrong
No matter how you may feel
Your body does not need that
It is why you feel so sad
But I know that you are not listening
And when I tell you, it makes you mad.
I wish that you would stop.
Please see that these drugs are no good.
I hope that you know I love you.
Please see that these drugs are no good.
I will no longer do any drugs
I will never take another
I say this to myself each day
But I always find another
I have taken all the classes
I know that drugs are wrong
But when I take them I feel good
How can that be so wrong?
I tell myself I will not take anymore pills
But I always find another
None of my friends seem to understand anymore
I guess I'll just find another
I know that I have lost a lot
But the pills make me feel good
I wonder if without them,
if anything can make me feel as good.
My Friend Joe
Drugs have my friend Joe
He used to know my full name
Now he knows me not
All My Friends That Are Left
I have a friend named Meth
She is the only friend I know
And when she leaves me high and dry
I turn to my friend Blow
My friends--they poison me.
But isn't that what all friends do?
I feel that I am falling apart.
I know not what to do.
Where to Find More Poems
If you are still searching for more poems about drugs, here are a few other sites to view:
Seek Help
While poems about drugs can help people feel better about their present situation, if you or someone you know has a drug abuse problem, poetry about teen life is not all that is needed. Reach out to a trusted adult or drug abuse help center to get past the drugs.