With the sober curious movement on the rise, many brides are turning away from heading out to a local nightclub to dance and drink the night away, and transforming their celebration into a much-needed weekend getaway. Turning an afternoon event into a three-day extravaganza means that there's going to be a lot of down time, and you and your bridesmaids will have to come up with various things to occupy everyone. Thankfully, there are all kinds of bachelorette questions and trivia games out there to play during the unscheduled hours. From raucous "Most Likely to" questions for the bachelorette party to debate over to bachelorette trivia questions inspired by Jeopardy that would make Alex Trebek proud, this collection of entertaining, funny, and even possibly embarrassing games will win over your punch-drunk crowd in no time.
Depending on who you've invited to a bachelorette party, going out and getting wasted in a bar crawl isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea. But, not centering the bachelorette party around alcohol and dancing doesn't mean that it can't be heaps of fun. If you remember the giddy energy that erupted at each of your childhood sleepovers, then you'll know just how starting a few friendly competitions can bring a party to life. From the O.G. Truth or Dare to trivia queries doled out Jeopardy-style, these bachelorette party game questions will put your guest's minds to the test.
Bachelorette Party Questions to Ask the Groom or Bride
For this particular event, you'll probably worry less about calculating how much food you need than making sure there are plenty of fun things to do, and you can use the printable question games here to keep the party going. Use this simple help guide for Adobe printables if you have trouble printing.
If you've decided to forgo a traditional bachelorette party and bring your expecting groom or bride along for the ride, you're a lucky one. There's no better way to have fun than being surrounded by your best friends and the love of your life, and there are a couple of different ways to play these quiz games with questions for the groom or bride-to-be.
How Well Do You Know the Bride or Groom?
To make this a fun game that includes everyone or use it as a party icebreaker, you can use the questions below to quiz party guests. Keep it casual by just asking the questions aloud and laughing about the answers, or make it more competitive and have guests answer each question and then have the bride or groom reveal their answers. Award points (and prizes or adult goodie bags if you want!) to those who are correct or closest to the bride's or groom's answers.
- What is the bride-to-be's/groom's shoe size?
- Name the bride-to-be's/groom's most embarrassing moment (whether you witnessed it or not.)
- Where did the bride-to-be/groom go to college?
- What is the bride-to-be's/groom's dream job?
- Name the last book the bride-to-be/groom read.
- What is the bride-to-be's/groom's favorite dessert?
- How does the bride-to-be/groom eat their Oreo cookies?
- Name the ride-to-be/groom's favorite band or music artist.
- What does the bride-to-be/groom love to do in their free time?
- What is the bride-to-be's/groom's favorite place in the world?
- What is the name of the bride-to-be's/groom's first pet?
- What was the bride-to-be's/groom's first job?
- What is the bride-to-be's/groom's favorite color combination?
- What does the bride-to-be/groom drink in the morning - coffee, tea, or something else?
Ask the Groom or Bride Game
Make it more of an ask-the-groom (or bride) bachelorette party game with these questions, which both bride and groom will need to answer separately, one answering the question and the other guessing their spouse-to-be's answer. The fun comes in when the duo reveals their answers to the group! Party goers can also play along by answering and then ultimately seeing which questions they guessed correctly.
- What is your favorite quality of your bride-to-be/groom?
- What's one habit of your bride-to-be/groom that you hate?
- What's one lie you've told your bride-to-be/groom that they fell for?
- What's your bride-to-be's/groom's favorite childhood toy?
- What are your bride-to-be's/groom's parent's names?
- What's your bride-to-be's/groom's go-to drink order?
- Which pet peeve of yours do you think drives your bride-to-be/groom insane?
- What's the name of your bride-to-be's/groom's first boyfriend/girlfriend?
- How much debt does your bride-to-be/groom have?
- What's your bride-to-be's/groom's number one fear?
Truth or Dare Questions for a Bachelorette Party
Get to know your bachelorette party guests on a deeper level by starting up a round of Truth or Dare as one of your girls' night party games. Typical Truth or Dare questions for bachelorette parties can range anywhere from super explicit to playfully embarrassing. So as long as your gaggle of gal pals are game for letting their secrets all hang out, then you'll have a roaring good time with this classic teenage game done with a bachelorette party angle.
The printable below contains the Truth or Dare, Never Have I, and "Most Likely to" questions. Print them out and take turns asking the questions, or use them to have guests write down their answers before sharing. You can also turn them games for points or prizes by wagering on which answers guests give or which guests get the majority answer "correct."
Questions to Ask for Truths
Make your bachelorette party bear all by answering these truth questions in your game of Truth or Dare. After all, like Vegas, what happens at a bachelorette party stays at a bachelorette party. Don't forget to use some of the questions for the bachelorette herself, too!
- What's the one embarrassing thing that keeps you up at night?
- What's the worst first date you've ever been on?
- Have you ever stolen anything, and if so what was it?
- If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, what's the one thing you'd have to do before you go out?
- What's your biggest regret?
- What's your biggest irrational fear?
- What's your go-to lie for getting out of an event you don't want to go to?
- What's the worst birthday gift you've ever gotten?
- What's the part of weddings that you hate the most?
- What's the most embarrassing message you've sent to the wrong person?
- Which person in the room are you the most jealous of?
Prompts Ask for Dares
The dares when you're playing Truth or Dare are the ones people dread the most, and for good reason. With a mixture of silly and bold, these dares will have your bachelorette party quaking in their boots.
- Buy a drink for the next person that walks past you.
- Invite a stranger to dance.
- Call one of your parents and have a conversation while acting (or being) intoxicated.
- DM or text someone you've got a crush on and ask them out on a date.
- Ask a stranger if you can take pictures of something strange (their feet, fingernails, elbows, etc.)
- Kiss one of the bachelorette partygoers.
- Ask a stranger to take photos of your group, but using their own phone and sending it to yours.
- Drink a shot of lemon juice.
- Show the group the last thing you Google searched.
- Convince a stranger to switch an item of clothing with you.
Never Have I Ever Questions for Your Bachelorette Party
If you really want to needle the favorite people in your life at your - or your best friend's - bachelorette party, then you can always turn to every high school partier's beloved game, Never Have I Ever. Whether you want to keep things strictly PG or go R-rated with down and dirty questions is up to the players, making this a game that's perfect for a family-filled bachelorette party or a friends-only affair. Try these funny Never Have I Ever bachelorette party questions to get your group started:
- Never have I ever puked in public.
- Never have I ever graduated from university.
- Never have I ever been engaged.
- Never have I ever drunk dialed an ex.
- Never have I ever traveled outside of the country.
- Never have I ever called out of work for a hangover.
- Never have I ever overdrafted my checking account.
- Never have I ever missed a credit card payment.
- Never have I ever forgotten my parent's birthday.
- Never have I ever left my partner's texts on read.
- Never have I ever blamed my sibling for something I did.
- Never have I ever accepted a ride from a stranger.
- Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.
- Never have I ever snuck into a concert.
- Never have I ever caused an auto accident.
- Never have I ever given myself a concussion.
- Never have I ever passed out.
"Most Likely to" Bachelorette Party Questions
Aside from conquering a dance floor, there aren't a ton of activities made for a large bachelorette gathering. However, "Most Likely to" questions for a bachelorette party can capture everyone's attention, without making anyone feel left out. These can be truly funny bachelorette party game questions because the answers can be so unexpected, too. You don't have to drink alcohol, have a lot of romantic or sexual experience, or be outgoing to enjoy asking your bridal group these hilarious questions:
- Who's the most likely to get caught stealing the newest Lizzo album?
- Who's the most likely to get a random flash tattoo?
- Who's the most likely to break into a concert?
- Who's the most likely to sign up for a reality tv show?
- Who's the most likely to get into a fender bender?
- Who's the most likely to forget their anniversary?
- Who's the most likely to show up late to an important event?
- Who's the most likely to kill it at karaoke?
- Who's the most likely to leave their phone in the Uber on the way home?
- Who's the most likely to take a stray animal home?
- Who's the most likely to be pulled over for a speeding ticket?
Bachelorette Jeopardy Questions
Honor the late Alex Trebek by hosting your very own bachelorette Jeopardy game. These bachelorette trivia questions will test all of the bride's family and friends' knowledge about her coming nuptials and her special someone. Use this fun quiz game to get both the bride and party guests thinking.
Use the printable to create a gameboard and have contestants take turns with one person acting as the host. To play in the style of the original quiz show game, the person running the game will need to have the answers to these questions in advance. After a contestant chooses a category, the game host will state the answer, and the player will need to know which question it belongs with.
Or, you can hand out the point sheets and have the whole group play at once, shading in or circling the point values for the questions they get right and then tallying them at the end for a prize.
Questions About the Bride
Show the bride that you know everything about her with these hard-hitting questions about her life:
- What are the bride's parents' names?
- What's the bride's birthday?
- What are the number, names, and birth order of the bride's siblings?
- How old was the bride when they had their first kiss?
- Which famous figure does the bride want to meet the most?
Questions About the Happy Couple
Prove to the bachelorette group that you've been paying attention to the couple's milestones and major moments all these years as you quiz one another with these questions all about their relationship:
- How many years has the couple known each other?
- Where's the couple heading for their honeymoon?
- Where did the couple meet?
- What's the couple's favorite thing to do on a date?
- What song/album/artist does the couple consider 'theirs'?
Questions About the Wedding and Reception
Quiz the bachelorette party on the upcoming wedding with these trivia questions pertaining to the ceremony itself:
- What are the wedding's official colors?
- What's the wedding venue's name?
- What flavor of wedding cake (or dessert) is going to be served?
- What song is the bride walking down the aisle to?
- What part of the wedding (decorations, food, first dance, wedding dress, etc..) is the bride's secret favorite?
Bachelorette Party Trivia
To make it fun and give those that may not know the couple as well a fighting chance, include a category with general bachelorette trivia questions such as the following:
- Which season is the most popular time for bachelorette parties? (Spring)
- What is the average number of guests for a bachelorette party? (10)
- Before the term bachelorette party was used, what were they referred to as? (Hen Parties)
- What decade did bachelorette parties start becoming more popular? (1960s)
- What magazine first mentioned a bachelorette party in 1979? (Time)
Would You Rather Questions Perfect for a Bachelorette Party
If you want to liven up your bachelorette party with funny questions, you should start a game of Would You Rather. With an endless number of wacky combinations, your partygoers are sure to fight to the death over the superior choice. Here are a few scenarios best suited for your bachelorette party, but for more options, check out this ultimate list of would you rather questions. This hilarious (and sometimes embarrassing) questions will get everyone talking.
You can play a couple of different ways with this printable. Have guests answer the questions for themselves and take turns sharing answers, or answer the question of what they would rather do and compare it to the bride's. The person with the most answers closest to the bride's wins. A third way to play is to make it "What Would She Rather," have everyone play by guessing which answers the bride picked, and the guest with the most correct is the winner.
- Would you rather have an allergic reaction to your wedding cake or wake up with rash on your wedding day?
- Would you rather get violently ill the evening of your wedding or lose your tickets for your honeymoon flight?
- Would you rather have the wedding venue staff or caterers cancel the morning of your wedding?
- Would you rather marry your soulmate or become a millionaire by 30?
- Would you rather have a small honeymoon and a huge reception or a small reception and extravagant honeymoon?
- Would you rather have you or your partner's ex show up as someone's plus one to your wedding?
- Would you rather find bees in your bouquet or lice in your hair just before your wedding?
- Would you rather have a destination wedding where no one attends or have a domestic wedding with all of your friends and family there?
Tips for Prepping a Bachelorette Game Night
Once you have all the questions and answers that you need for whichever games you want to play you'll want to print out the questions ahead of time so that you're not scrambling for them on the day of. You also might want to divide up the questions, scenarios, or prompts so that you can hold several games throughout the night and have multiple winners.
To entice your guests to really get involved with the quiz show, you can have a few prize baskets put together for the winners. Prizes can include gift baskets, spa or restaurant gift certificates, lotions, candles, flavored coffees and teas, and more.
Let the Party End on a High Note
Bachelorette parties are as much for the bride as they are for the bride's favorite people, and so the getaway needs to be something they'll remember for years to come. From the funny questions to ask the bride at the bachelorette party to the entertaining questions and quiz games for the entire group, having a mix of options on hand will lead to a lively, laughter-filled gathering everyone will enjoy. The best bachelorette parties are prepped beforehand with a ton of different games and activities, and these Truth or Dare, Would You Rather, Who's Most Likely, and bridal trivia questions are all bachelorette party ideas that will keep even the most sleepy bridesmaid engaged.