Nicknames for grandma, like Grams, Mimo, and Gram Grams, may stem from family tradition, grandma's preference, or even from a grandchild's inability to pronounce the word "grandmother" or "grandma." No matter what you choose, one thing is clear: a grandmother by any other name still smells like freshly baked cookies.
Whether you're looking for something cute, funny, or unique, these ideas can help you find the perfect nickname to fit your grandparenting style.
Choosing a Grandma Nickname
While the term "Grandma" is probably the most common nickname for grandmothers, some grandmothers predetermine the name their grandchildren will call them before the baby is born. For many, the term "Grandmother" is too formal. The nickname you choose might instead be based on family customs, a desire to have a unique nickname, an ethnic background, or simply a sense of fun.
Traditional Grandma Nicknames
Some traditional nicknames used for grandmothers come as the result of children who couldn't say "Grandma" or "Grandmother." Others may be variations on spelling "Grandma," such as Grammie or Grammy. Many of these mispronunciations and spellings are common nicknames for grandmothers today!
This list of traditional names reflects many such nicknames for grandma — and there's nothing wrong with sticking to the classics:
- Ahma
- Bamaw (Bammaw)
- Bubbie
- Bumps
- DaMa
- Dammaw
- Eema (Eemaw)
- GadGee (or Gadgi, Gadgy)
- GaMa (Gamma)
- Gammi (Gammy, Gami)
- Ganna
- Ganni (Ganny, Gani)
- Gommie (Gommy)
- Gram
- Gramma
- Grammie (Grammy)
- Gram-mommie
- Grams
- Granana
- Grananny
- Grandmom
- Grandnan
- Grand Mama
- Granma
- Granmama
- Granmom
- Granna
- Grannaw
- Granny
- Gumma
- Mamaw
- Mamey (Mammy)
- Mammaw (Mamaw)
- Mams
- Mamsy (Mamsie)
- Marmi (Marme)
- MawMaw
- MayMay
- Maymee
- MeMa (Meema, MeMaw, Mimaw)
- MeMo (MeeMo, Mimo)
- MeeMee (MeMe)
- Mima (Mimma)
- Mimmy
- Mimsy
- Minny
- MoMa (MoMaw, MoMo)
- Mom Mom
- Mum
- Mums
- Mumsy (Mumsey)
- Nama (Namma)
- Nan
- Nana (Nanna)
- Nanny
- Ne-ma
- Ninna
- Ninny (Ninni)
- Nona (Nonna)
- Noni (NoNee, Nonni, Nonnie, Nonny)
- Ona, Onna
Related: Easy Ways to Keep a Strong Bond With Your Grandkids
Modern Nicknames for Grandma
If you're a modern grandma, you deserve a contemporary nickname. Choose a grandma nickname that captures your values. These fun names have a distinctly current vibe, but they still sound warm and loving:

- Ammy, Amma
- Gaga
- Giggy
- Gigi
- Glam
- Glammy
- Mimi
- Nina
- Yaya
- Zsa-Zsa
You can also team up your first or last name with "Grandma" and voilà — you've got a trendy title like "Grandma Susan" or "Grandma Green"! It's fun and easy for the kiddos to remember.
Cute & Fun Names for Grandma
Some grandma nicknames are just plain adorable, and they're even cuter when spoken by little ones. If you want your grandma nickname to be the cutest, try one of these sweet options:
- Bunny
- Cookie
- Daisy
- Honey-Pie
- Foxy
- Grahamcracker
- Grandma Great
- Kitty
- Layla
- Love
- Sunshine
- Sweetie
- Yum-Yum
Funny Nicknames for Grandma
If you want a grandma nickname that will make everyone chuckle, you can take your inspiration from this list. Many of these names are unexpected and adorable at the same time, which makes them perfect for a grandma with a sense of humor:
- Bubbles
- Cha-Cha
- Fluffy
- G-Ma, G-Mama
- Hammer
- Jiggy-Ma
- Mojo
- Moo-Ma
- Tutu
- Zip-Zip
Badass Grandma Names
A grandma is a mom who has already survived raising her own children and still has plenty of energy left to enjoy her grandkids. If you're a tough, badass grandma, one of these sassy grandma nicknames could be perfect:
- Athena
- Buffy
- Punky
- Moxie
- Sassy
- Vixen
- Xena
Rare Grandma Nicknames for Unique Flair
We made a list of ideas for those of you looking for something a little more unique. You can choose one of these names or use them as inspiration to create your own.
- Ammu
- BeBe
- Bella
- Burbur
- Cee Cee
- Deeda
- Deedee
- E-ma
- Ga-ga
- Gimmie
- Granny Pie
- Insta-Gram
- Kiki
- Marmie
- Meme
- Mia
- Mimzy
- Moggy
- Muminca
- Nan
- Nini
- Sweetie
- Vera
- Zara
Celebrity grandma names can also give you some inspiration. Goldie Hawn is Glam Ma and Catherine Zeta-Jones is Zeze, for example. Consider what feels right to you and how you can make your grandma nickname personal to you.
Grandma Nicknames From Around the World
Family background and heritage also play a role in what grandchildren call their grandmothers. Even in other languages, grandma nicknames replace the more formal word for grandmother. For example, families with a Japanese heritage may call their grandmother "O-baa-chan" instead of the more formal "O-baa-san." In the same way, many Jewish families affectionately call their grandmothers "Bubbe," while Italian grandmas are called "Nonna," and Hispanic grannies are "Abuela."

So grab your linguistic passport and globe-trot to find the perfect, affectionate nickname that's just as special as the bond you share. These nicknames are like grandma's love — universal yet unique in every language.
- Abuela - Spanish for grandma
- Ayeeyo - grandma in Somali
- Baba or Mica - Serbian for grandmother
- Babushka - Russian for grandma
- Bomma - grandma in Flemish
- Bubbe - Yiddish for grandma
- Grandmère: French for grandmother
- Halmoni: Korean for grandmother
- Lola - Filipino name for grandma
- Mémé - French Canadian for grandma
- Mhamó - Irish name for grandma
- Mor Mor - Swedish for mother's mother
- Mor Phar - Swedish for mother's father
- Nai Nai - Chinese for father's mother
- Nonna - Italian for grandma or gradmother
- Oma - grandma in German
- Ouma - grandma in Afrikaans
- Senelė - Lithuanian for grandma
- Tutu - Hawaiian for grandparent of either gender, short for Tutu Wahine (grandmother)
- Vovo -Portuguese for grandma
- Yaya - grandma in Greek
Unusual Nicknames for Grandma
If you feel too young to be called anything like "grandma" but still look forward to that close grandparent/grandchild relationship, an unusual grandma nickname might be right for you. Such names come about usually with a story of how the name evolved, or they are associated with an interest or hobby.
For example, some grandmothers choose to be called by the name of a character from a favorite book, and some choose to go by grandma nicknames inspired by a place or food:
- Airport Grandma
- Choo-Choo Granny
- Cupcake Grandma
- Grandma One Fish
- Gummy Bear Grandma
- Marathon Grandma
- Swimming Grandma
Tips to Help You Decide on the Right Grandma Name
In many families, the name that children call their grandmother evolves over time, while other families or grandma herself decides beforehand what the nickname will be.
Think about different name options you like best, and if you have a preference, communicate it to your family. Just like a nickname from your given name, you should feel comfortable about what your grandma name or nickname is.
If you want to get the family involved, here are a few ideas:
- Talk about the nickname as a family and make a formal decision.
- Be less formal, and just let the first grandchild call you whatever they choose and go from there.
- Try out some names from past generations.
- Play a game to choose a fun name, and have everyone participate.
- Start with the name "grandmother" or "grandma," but be open to other possibilities.
- Use a name in another language from your heritage.
Once the nickname fits, it's usually easiest to keep it the same for all future grandchildren, although sometimes a child will come along and change the game by making a new name they can pronounce easier.
More Than a Name
Even with all this planning and searching for the right name, it's not unusual for these predetermined nicknames to change when the baby grows old enough to attempt to talk. In their sweet baby-talk efforts, many grandchildren have given grandmothers unique names that stick. What really matters is the time grandparents and grandchildren spend together, since this bond is incredibly important for everyone lucky enough to share it.
And in the end, the winning name? It should be one that you feel good about and is as unique as you are as a grandma.