You've met a Libra guy. He's smart, charming, sexy, and everything you've ever wanted. You're good-looking, have a great life, and you'd like to date him. So, what's a girl or guy to do? Below are a few tips about getting the most out of a dating relationship with a Libra man.
What Does a Libra Man Seek in His Date?
The Libra man is incredibly entertaining, intelligent and quick-witted. He's a friendly guy who has lots of friends, but if you want to be more than a friend, there are a few tips on what he looks for in someone he dates.
Classic With a Twist
A Libra man does not believe clothes are superficial; he thinks they speak volumes about the person wearing them. He looks to date someone who dresses classically but with a with a masculine-feminine twist that makes them stand out in a crowd. For a woman, it could be a little black dress with the twist of bright red sexy extremely high heels. For a guy, it could be a sexy pink silk dress shirt.
Pleasing Personality
A Libra man is a people person and looks for the same in a person he dates. He's attracted to an individual who has a pleasant and agreeable personality, is confident, gets along with people, and is at home is social settings.

Spunky and Fun
It's a definite plus if you're fun, spontaneous, and outgoing. A Libra man wants his date to be both complementary and challenging. He's not into dating shrinking violets; he wants the person he dates to have some spunk.
He's interested in dating someone's who's intelligent and articulate, as well as a good conversationalist and listener. He likes someone who enjoys talking about themselves and their personal interests and listening to his.
A Libra man has an altruistic streak, and it's a definite plus if you're also altruistic, have humanitarian interests, show a sense of fairness, and are involved in one way or another in fighting injustice.
Don't Play Coy
A Libra man is attracted to a person who is willing to work to get and keep his attention. So, the number one tip is not to play coy or hard to get. This is a man who can't deal with rejection. Even if he's attracted to someone, he won't ask them out unless he's given every indication the person is interested in dating him.
Types of Dates He'll Enjoy
A Libra man is seldom decisive. He'd prefer that his date make the decision on what to do or where to go. Plus, that way he can be sure the date will please and make the person he's dating happy. So, it's likely he'll ask his date for suggestions. When that happens, suggest doing something you'll both enjoy and think stimulating settings, interesting conversations, mingling, and snoozing. Regardless of what you suggest, a movie or the theater for example, make sure to set aside some time for the two of you to talk.
Fine Dining
A Libra man always enjoys going to upscale places, and he has a particular fondness for leisurely fine dining filled with pleasant conversation.
Art Exhibits and Museums
You can't go wrong suggesting a stroll through a new art exhibit or art museum in your city. A Libra man is an aficionado of fine art and afterwards, you can sit down at a cafe, people watch, and discuss the art you just saw.
Wine Tastings
There's no better way to spend quality time on a date with a Libra man than a wine tasting. Here you can smell, sip, judge, and discuss the various wines while you casually talk with each other and have a great time socializing with other wine lovers.

Music Festivals, Aquariums, or Zoos
If you prefer something a bit more casual, you could suggest a music festival, an aquarium, or a zoo. All are great places to walk, talk, people-watch, and mingle happily with others. Even at a music festival, you can chat during those dull in-between moments when one band breaks down and the next sets up. And every Libra man loves music.
Your Libra Date
Dating a Libra man is bound to be a pleasant and fun experience and by following these tips, you're both sure to have a good time. So, good luck and have fun dating your Libra man!