Honoring Mom's Memory: Heartfelt Mother's Day Poems

Celebrate and remember your late mother with touching poetry on Mother's Day.

Published February 6, 2025
woman missing mother looking at photo album

Missing mom on Mother's Day? Mother's Day holds a different meaning for anyone whose mom has passed away. Poems for this occasion can offer comfort and pay tribute to one of the most important individuals in anyone's life - their mom

Memorialize Mom on Mother's Day With Poetry

Just because a mother has passed away, there's no reason her family shouldn't continue to celebrate Mother's Day and pay tribute to her memory. Reading a poem to honor her is a lovely way to bring her back in their midst as they share favorite memories of her life.

Remember Your Mom

When your mother dies
It doesn't matter how old you are.
You still feel like an orphan because
You've lost your guiding star.

She's the one you've always turned to
Whenever anything went wrong.
She's the one who cleaned your skinned knees
And chased nightmares away with a song.

She was there to celebrate
All your important days with you,
Like birthdays, and holidays,
And your very first day of school.

It was easy to take her for granted
Because you knew she'd always be there,
Until the day that she wasn't,
And you discovered life truly wasn't fair.

So each Mother's Day take a moment to
Remember the best things about her,
Like her gentle hands and open arms,
And how close the two of you were.

And you can be sure she's in Heaven
Thinking of you on this day above any other.
That's because you are the wonderful reason
That she became a mother.

Still Honoring You on Mother's Day

You laid down your burdens in life long ago,
But your achievements still shine in this world.
The family you created lives on and grows,
The lessons you taught us guide us still,
And we pass them on to our children so they prosper.
Yours was a life well-lived,
And we gather each Mother's Day to reminisce,
Laugh a lot, and sometimes even cry a little.
You live on in our memories, Mom,
Until we meet again in Heaven.

Things I Miss About You

It's Mother's Day again,
And I'm trying to make it through,
Because this day reminds me
Of all the things I miss about you.

I miss your face smiling down at me,
With love shining from your eyes.
I miss the way you'd laugh at my jokes
So hard that it made you cry.

I miss the touch of your dear hands,
How gentle and kind they could be.
And I miss the warmth of your hugs, and how
You'd wrap me up tight as could be.

I miss the smell of your perfume,
The way it lingered in the air.
Sometimes I think I smell it again,
And I get a sense that you're there.

I miss the way you could always tell
When something in my life had gone wrong,
How you'd talk to me until I felt better,
Your words soothed me like a song.

And so I sit here once again
Remembering these things I miss
And this year, just like every year,
I make a silent wish.

I wish that one day I'll see you again,
Whole, and safe, and sound.
That you'll take my hand securely in yours,
And for Heaven we'll be bound.

father comforting daughter missing mother on Mothers Day

I'll Celebrate Instead of Cry

Another Mother's Day is here,
And I still miss having you near.
You were the best mom you could be,
And I never once doubted your love for me.

I could spend each Mother's Day in sorrow,
Crying and wishing you were here,
But instead I choose to celebrate your life,
A life I still hold so dear.

I know you'd rather see me smile
Than stand here with tears in my eyes.
So I'll do my best to honor your memory,
And you'll live on as long as I am alive.

Your Words From My Lips

It's Mother's Day, and my thoughts turn you you.
It's the most difficult day of the year to get through.
I find myself remembering the things you used to say,
How you'd comfort me and tell me everything would be okay.
Or how you'd encourage me when I was feeling down,
And bring a smile to my face instead of wearing a frown.
But then I always realize you're really with me still,
Because your words flow over me like water over a mill.
Every time my child needs comforting, encouragement or advice,
Your words pour from lips like a message sent from paradise.

More Poems for Mom

Still looking for just the right poem to honor your mom's spirit and life? The following poems bring different perspectives to the day and could easily be adapted to suite the occasion.

  • My Friend... My Mom - This poem speaks about a mom eternally being a part of her son or daughter's soul. The poem Mom, also found on the same page, is filled with childhood memories of how a mom always made things better, and it carries a lovely sentiment that's suitable for Mother's Day.
  • Advice From My Mom - If you're looking for a poem that will make everyone smile, give this one a look. It's a collection of phrases that nearly all moms have uttered at one time or another, and you can use it to start a conversation about funny things your own mom used to say.
  • Trust in God's Plan - This poem might be perfect to honor a mom that first Mother's Day when her family is still trying to cope with the loss. It's message to trust in God is designed to bring hope that things will eventually be alright.
  • Gratitude Poem - Although this poem was originally written for a bride to give to her mother, it works very well as a memorial poem to use on Mother's Day.

Sharing Your Mother's Day Poems for a Mom in Heaven

There are a number of ways to share these kinds of poems whether you write an original poem yourself or wish to read a favorite piece composed by someone else. You can include a poem in a note you send to far away siblings on Mother's Day, or you can have everyone gather around a portrait of your mom on Mother's Day and take turns reading poems about her. Just do whatever feels right as you continue honoring your mom on her special day.

Honoring Mom's Memory: Heartfelt Mother's Day Poems