Grasping the genders of different nouns is one of the more difficult concepts for beginning French students to master. Not only does the English language not have any concept of gender in words, but there are also many frequently used nouns in the French language that do not follow the typical patterns. Consequently, they simply must be memorized.
Agreement in French
All nouns in the French language are either male or female. While some nouns have a gender that makes sense (for example the girl, la fille, is feminine as you might expect), most nouns in the French language simply are one way or the other. In other words, there is nothing inherent about the word that makes it more masculine or more feminine.
However, it is important to master the rules as well as the exceptions because agreement of gender in a sentence is fundamental to structuring the sentence correctly. In French, all adjectives agree with the nouns they are describing as do definite and indefinite articles.
Tip: Memorize the noun along with its article. This is much easier to do instead of memorizing the word and then trying to remember which gender it is. Most French lesson books present vocabulary in this way.

French Gender Rules to Keep in Mind
There are no hard and fast rules. Almost all rules have some exceptions. With that said, remembering the general rule will greatly improve your fluency and the exceptions can be learned later.
In addition, there are some nouns that have both masculine and feminine forms that coincide with whether or not that being referred to is female or male. Many professions have masculine and feminine forms, as do the words 'dog' and 'cat'. Also remember that in groups where there is at least one male present, you would use the masculine plural form. Likewise, when a word has both female and male forms, you always use the male form unless referring to a specific female.
If you need help downloading the printable French noun gender list above, check out these helpful tips.
Masculine Endings | Feminine Endings |
-age | -ace |
-b | -ade |
-c | -ale |
-cle | -ance |
-d | -be |
-de | -ce |
-é | -cé |
-eau | -e |
-ège | -ee |
-et | -ée |
-eur (professions) | -esse |
-f | -eur (abstract qualities/feelings) |
-i | -fe |
-ing | -ie |
-isme | -ière |
-k | -ine |
-l | -ion |
-m | -ique |
-me | -ire |
-ment | -ise |
-n | -ite |
-o | -lle |
-oir | -mme |
-one | -nde |
-ou | -nne |
-p | -ole |
-r | -rre |
-s | -se |
-ste | -sé |
-t | -sion |
-tre | -son |
-u | -té |
-x | -tié |
-tion | |
-ude | |
-ue | |
-ule | |
-ure |
Nouns Lists With Gender and Translation
If you are learning French, memorizing the gender of the nouns you are learning is a must. Below are some of the most popular nouns in the French language.
Notice that the indefinite article is included to indicate gender (le is for masculine nouns and la is for feminine nouns). Note that for nouns that begin with vowels, or nouns that are plural, the gender is noted in parentheses after the word. (Example: l'eau, f.)
Noun | Pronunciation | Translation |
l'affiche (f.) | lah feesh | poster |
le bureau | luh byuh roh | desk |
le cahier | luh ki yay | notebook |
la carte | lah kart | map |
la chaise | lah shez | chair |
le crayon | luh crah yohn | crayon |
les devoirs (m.) | lay duh vwahr | homework |
l'école (f.) | lay kohl | school |
la gomme | lah gohm | eraser (for a pencil) |
le livre | luh lee vruh | book |
l'ordinateur (m.) | lohr deen ah turh | computer |
la règle | lah reh gluh | ruler |
le stylo | luh stee loh | pen |
l'an (m.) | lah nay | year |
l'après-midi (m.) | lah pray mee dee | afternoon |
l'automne (m.) | lah tome | autumn |
l'été (m.) | lay tay | summer |
l'hiver (m.) | lee vair | winter |
le jour | luh zhoor | day |
le matin | luh mah tehn | morning |
le mois | luh mwah | month |
le printemps (m.) | luh prehn tehm | spring |
la semaine | lah seh men | week |
le week-end | luh week end | weekend |
la chambre | lah shohm bruh | bedroom |
la cuisine | lah kwee zeen | kitchen |
les escaliers (m.) | lez es kah lee yay | stairs |
la fenêtre | lah fuh net ruh | window |
le four | luh foor | oven |
l'horloge (f.) | lohr lozh | clock |
le lit | luh lee | bed |
la maison | lah meh zhon | house |
le mur | luh muhr | wall |
la poubelle | lah poo bell | trash |
la porte | lah port | door |
le réfrigérateur | luh ray free zhay rah tur | refrigerator |
la salle de bain | lah sahl duh behn | bathroom |
la brosse à cheveux | lah brohs ah shuh vuh | hairbrush |
la brosse à dents | lah brohs ah dehn | toothbrush |
les chausettes (f.) | lay show set | socks |
la chemise | lah shuh meez | shirt |
la cravate | lah crah vaht | tie |
les gants (m.) | lay gahn | gloves |
la jupe | la zhoop | skirt |
les lunettes (f.) | lay loo net | glasses |
le manteau | luh mahn toe | coat |
la montre | lah mohn truh | watch |
le parapluie | luh pah rah ploo wee | umbrella |
la peigne | lah pehn yuh | comb |
la robe | lah rohb | dress |
le sac | luh sahk | purse |
le savon | luh sah vohn | soap |
l'aéroport m. | lair oh pore | airport |
l'ascenseur (m.) | lah sehn sur | elevator |
l'avion (m.) | lah vee ohn | plane |
le bateau | luh bah toe | boat |
l'étage (m.) | lay tazh | floor of a building |
la gare | la gair | train station |
la mer | lah mair | sea |
la plage | la plahzh | beach |
le portefeuille | luh port uh foyuh | wallet |
le prix | luh pree | price |
la rue | lah roo | street |
le taxi | luh tah ksee | taxi |
la valise | lah vah leez | suitcase |
l'addition (f.) | lah dee see ohn | bill |
le beurre | luh burr | butter |
le déjeuner | luh day zhuhn ay | lunch |
le dîner | luh dee nay | dinner |
le fromage | luh froh mahzh | cheese |
le gâteau | luh gah toe | cake |
le légume | luh lay goom | vegetable |
le pain | luh pehn | bread |
le petit déjeuner | luh puh tee day zhuhn ay | breakfast |
le poisson | luh pwah ssohn | fish |
le poivre | luh pwah vruh | pepper (seasoning) |
la pomme | lah pumm | apple |
le poulet | luh poo lay | chicken |
le sel | luh sell | salt |
la viande | lah vee ahnd | meat |
la bouche | la boosh | mouth |
le bras | luh brah | arms |
les cheveux (m.) | lay shuh vuh | hair |
le cœur | luh curr | heart |
la jambe | lah zhahmb | leg |
l'oreille (f.) | l'ohr ayuh | ear |
le pied | luh pee yay | foot |
la tête | la tet | head |
le visage | luh vee sajh | face |
les yeux (m.) | layz yuh | eyes |
le château | luh shah toe | castle |
le concert | luh con sair | concert |
le jardin | luh zhar dehn | garden |
la ferme | lah fairm | farm |
l'hôpital (f.) | loe pee tahl | hospital |
l'hôtel (m.) | loe tell | hotel |
le magasin | luh mah gah zehn | store |
le musée | lah moo say | museum |
la rue | lah roo | street |
le théâtre | luh tay ah truh | theatre |
Memorizing Made Easier
Remember, learning what gender a noun is will be easier if you learn the noun along with its definite or indefinite article. In addition, memorizing the common rules, as well as the exceptions, will make your job easier in the long run. While it might seem daunting at first, take a little bit at a time and before you know it, you'll be a pro.