Black names for boys come from a variety of different sources across the globe. Popular African American names might pay tribute to African history and culture, or blend elements of French, Arabic, European, or other languages. Some are faith-based and stem from Biblical or Muslim influences, while other popular names are inspired by celebrities or historical figures in the Black community.
Choosing a name that feels right is what matters. Whether it's cute, trendy, or unique, Black baby names are rich in meaning and as diverse as the cultures that inspire them.
Popular Black Baby Boy Names and Meanings
The list of names below includes African American names for boys that have been used time and time again, favorites because of the meanings, traditions, or even people behind them. Many of the Black male names we know today first became popular during the civil rights movement, but along with names that feel more common or traditional are creative ones that have quickly become sought-after.
What's Most Popular Is Hard to Pin Down, But Here's a Start
Getting a hard and fast determination of the most statistically popular Black names for boys is a bit of a challenge, as most data sources don't break down names according to ethnicity and popularity. Names.org, a user-generated database, however, does outline some of the most common.
These five names are based on known names as early as 1880, and they're at the top of the list based on the trends over the past five years:
- Reginald - This tops the Names.org list of Black male names. The name Reginald has Old English, Old German, and Latin origins and means 'mighty counselor,' 'ruler," or 'to counsel and rule.
- Kameron - Thought to have Scottish origins, the Celtic or Gaelic name Kameron, meaning 'crooked nose,' was historically male but is now considered a gender-neutral name as well.
- Javon - This name has several variations and possible roots, including Greek, Hebrew, and Persian. In the Bible, Javon is the name of one of Noah's grandsons. Its Hebrew meaning is 'God is gracious' or 'Gift of God.'
- Tyrell - This Black name has Scandinavian, Old English, and French origins. Some feel it is also inspired by early African American civil rights activist Mary Church Terrell. Meanings include 'God of battle,' 'thunder,' 'thunder ruler,' and 'to pull/stubborn.'
- Jamar - This name, meaning 'sparks' or 'beautiful,' is thought to have Middle Eastern or French origins and is found throughout East, West, and South Africa, among other places.
Find a Black Baby Name You Can Connect With
Research shows there are lots of factors impacting the way African American names developed, but one of the keys is connection. Names can connect us to family, community, and our past. Choosing a name that has a connection to something that feels important to you could be the key to finding the perfect name for your baby boy. Try these popular options:
- Aaron - Exalted, strong
- Abraham - Father of many
- Aiyden - Little fire
- Alonzo - Noble
- Andres - Manly, brave, warrior
- Angelo - Messenger
- Anthony - Priceless one
- Antonne - Priceless
- Autry - Noble strength
- Booker - Scribe
- Brandon - Prince
- Brayton- Broad, brave
- Briceson - Nobleman's son
- Bryson - Son of a nobleman
- Calvin - Bald
- Cameron - Crooked nose
- Chaquille - Handsomemight
- Clayton - Clay settlement
- Colby - Swarthy
- Cornell - Horn, college and town name
- Christopher - Christ bearer
- Damien - To tame
- Darnell - Hidden nook
- Darius - To possess good
- Demetrius - Follower of Demeter, Lover of Earth
- Dontrell - Lasting, enduring
- Eli - High, elevated
- Elijah - My God is Yahweh
- Efrem - Doubly fruitful
- Ekon - Strong

- Ericson - Son of Eric, ever kingly
- Embry - Flat-topped hill
- Farrell - Brave
- Ghalen - Tranquil, calm
- Grady - Noble
- Hakeem - Wise
- Hassan - Handsome
- Isiah - God is salvation
- Izaak - Laughter
- Jabari - Brave
- Jadyn - God has heard
- Jaheem - Raised up, dignified
Jahmir - Loyal, trustworthy
- Jamal - Beautiful, handsome
- Jayce - Healer, cure
- Jayden - Thankful
- Jaylen - Healer, tranquil
- Jelani - Mighty, great, powerful
- Jordan - Descend, flow down
- Joseph - God will increase
- Justin - Just, righteou
- Justus - Fairness, justice
- Kahlil - Friend
- Kasim - One who distributes
- Keenan - Ancient
- Kellan - Powerful
- Kelvin - River man
- Khalan - Strong warrior
- Kofi - Born on Friday
- Kordell - Cord maker
- Lamonte - Man of law
- Lemarcus - From the God Mars
- Levi - Joined together
- Malachiah - Messenger of God
- Malik - King, sovereign
- Marcel - Young warrior
- Michael - Who is like God?
- Montrell - Mountain
- Murphy - Sea warrior
- Naeem - Comfort, ease
- Noah - Rest, repose
- Nolan - Noble, renowned
- Neville - New village
- Niles - Champion
- Omari - Flourishing
- Orion - Hunter
- Oscar - God's spear
- Owen - Well-born
- Payne - Rustic, countryman
- Peter - A stone or rock
- Phineas - Serpent's mouth
- Quinn - Wise, counsel
- Raffiel - God has healed
- Rashaad - Wisdom, good guidance
- Rhyland - Where rye grows
- Roscoe - Heartland of the roe deer
- Sammy - His name is God
- Samuel - God has heard
- Sebastian - Revered, looked up to
- Sharod - Autumn
- Shaun - God is gracious
- Stefon - A crown or garland
- Tahj - Crown
- Terrence - Tender
- Tevin - Handsome
- Treyvon - Combination of Trey (three) and Devin (divine)
- Urick - unknown meaning
- Von - Hope
- Zahair - Shining bright
Famous Black Male Names to Inspire
Finding inspiration from well-known or notable people is a great way to hone in the right name. Whether you find cute and trendy pop culture names that resonate with you or discover a unique name based on one of the powerful Black change-makers throughout history, these are a few popular names that will inspire.
- Martin - The list wouldn't be complete without the name inspired by civil rights legend Martin Luther King, Jr. The name Martin is of Latin origins and means 'God of war.'
- Denzel - Chances are one of your favorite movies includes the man who inspires this name - actor Denzel Washington. The name Denzel is thought to be of Cornish origin and means 'from the high stronghold,' 'fort,' or 'fertile land.'
- Frederick - Think of this name and you'll think of the bravery and strength of reformer and writer Frederick Douglass, whose life and work continue to inspire. The name Frederick is of German origin and means 'peaceful ruler.'
- James - James might be a pretty common name, but if you think of James Baldwin, there's power there. The work of this American novelist, playwright, and activist continues to impact the world. James is a Hebrew or Biblical name that means 'substitute' or 'supplanter.'
- Booker - If you're looking for a male name synonymous with strength and accomplishment, this one inspired by educator, speaker, and leader Booker T. Washington might be it. Booker, of English origin, fittingly means 'someone concerned with books.'
- Louis - This name, inspired by king of Jazz Louis Armstrong, just might be music to your ears. The name Louis stems from Spanish roots and means 'famous warrior.'
- Jesse - A favorite name that has tremendous strength, think of four-time gold medalist Olympian Jesse Owen and you'll having a winning name. Jesse is a Hebrew name that means 'the Lord exists.'
- Malcolm - This popular Black name for boys is one that makes many people think of Malcom X, the infamous Nation of Islam leader of the 50s and 60s. Malcom has Scottish origins and means 'devotee of Saint Columbia.'
- Sterling - If you're looking for a name that's a little more unique, look to a name inspired by Sterling K. Brown - not only is he a three-time Emmy and Gold Globe award winner, he was on Time's list of 100 most influential people in 2018. Sterling means 'little star.'
- Kendrick - This name is of Welsh and Scottish origins and is inspired by Kendrick Lamar, considered the #1 male rapper in the U.S. at the time of this writing. Kendrick means 'greatest champion.'
Black Baby Names for Boys From A to Z
Spark ideas for the perfect name with this alphabetical list. They represent other common and unique Black boy names you'll find around the world. If you're looking for a name that starts with a certain letter, this can be a jumping-off point to find the one that fits your baby boy.
Acqwon | A'dré | Ahamad | Akia |
A'lamar | Amanté | Anderius | Antez |
Armel | Arris | Asaad | Aston |
Audell | Austin David | Avondré | Ayren |
Bankston | Bayden | Bentram | Berton |
Brackston | Bravon | Brexton | Bronte |
Burley | Cévon | Cain | Carlos |
Carston | Cavonté | Cecil | Cee Cee |
Cevonté | Chachi | Charquez | Chaylen |
Chervez | Chez | Christian | Clévon |
Cliff | Clyde |

Dace | Dailyn | Da'jonte | Da'kuan |
Damarco | Damarko | Dameon | Damitri |
Dandre | Danez | Dannell | Da'quintin |
Daran | Da'riosm | Darkeem | Darriel |
Darryon | Darterrius | Darvin | Dasante |
Dashaud | Dashawn | Dashonte | Datreon |
Da'vante | Davarius | Da'vion | Davontae |
Da'wan | Dekion | Demarcus | Delmetrice |
Del Vonte | Denaris | Denten | Denzel |
Dequinn | Dereece | Derreck | De Shea |
Desmond | Destin | Deterrian | Devajee |
Deveron | Devoreaux | Dimetrice | D'Mario |
Dmitry | Dominique | Doran | D'Quan |
Dremonte | Dushane | Dyonte |
Earnell | Eddison | Elcee | Eliyah | Elvan |
Emiel | Ethridge | Everson | Ezrah | Farrell |
Fedarius | Ferando | Finton | Foster | Freddie |
Garence | Garrell | Geffery | George | Giovante |
Harmen | Harry | Hazell | Herold | Holman |
Howell | Hunter |

Ian Marcus | Irvin | Ishaq | Issac |
Itrez | Jévon | Ja Khel | Ja Taveon |
Jaboris | Jacques | Jahmiah | Jaimeson |
Jaivon | Jakobe | Jalal | Jamarico |
Jamerrell | Jamichael | Jaquann | Jaquon |
Jarmal | Jarmarious | Jaronte | Jarrius |
Jarrod | Javarious | Javion | Javius |
Jaydee | Jaymore | Jazeel | Jekeil |
Jeoffrey | Jeremias | Jerquis | Jervonte |
Jevonne | Jimar | Jirani | Jocquise |
Johmarcus | Johntey | Jonell | Jontray |
Jori | Jowuan | Jumon | J'waun |
Jyreese |
Késhaun | Kadaris | Kadrick | Kaenan | Kaiman |
Ka'jai | Kaleem | Kamar | Kamoni | Kaprice |
Ka'ron | Karver | Kavion | Kaydron | Keantay |
Kenan | Keifon | Kejuan | Kemal | Keon |
Kendrich | Kennin | Kenvante | K'eon | Kesean |
Keylon | Keywon | Khalise | Khyree | Kiante |
Killion | Kincade | Kione | Kivon | Kreighton |
Kunal | K'yeon | Ladorian | Labron | Laelim |
Lamarcus | Laquez | Latrelle | Lemond | Leonell |
Leroyce | Leshaun | Levell | Liddell | Linzell |
Lonnie | Louvell | Lyman |
Malcolm | Marcus | Markael | Markeys | Marqués |
Marquise | Marteese | Marvin | Mathias | Mendez |
Mondarius | Micquel | Monterius | Meyer | Mordell |
Naheim | Najeem | Narquise | Navier | Neari |
Nemiah | Nieko | Niram | Norton | Novian |
O'Brian | Omarious | Oman | Olin | Ontrel |
Omonteez | Orien | Ornell | Ortez | Otis |
Patrion | Peirce | Perez | Pierre | Pompey |
Prenell | Purcell |
Quadell | Qualeek | Quan | Quandell | Quantell |
Qua'sean | Quentez | Quillin | Quinell | Quintano |
Quintrell | Qu'wan | Qwantez | Raden | Rahil |
Rahsaan | Raheem | Rakeem | Rakkan | Ramello |
Ramon | Randarious | Rannier | Rasaun | Raylon |
Readale | Rederick | Regaine | Ree | Reginal |
Renell | Reno | Reshard | Reuban | Reymond |
Rhad | Riguel | Rion | Rockie | Rodnell |
Roger | Rontay | Rowell | Ruben | Ruiz |
Ryerson | Ry'mone |
Sabian | Sakeem | Sanquez | Santrell | Saunders |
Sawyer | Sequan | Shadrias | Shakur | Sha'quan |
Shawnee | Sherman | Shiloh | Shobi | Shovon |
Sigmond | Sirmarcus | Somondre | Stanford |

Taevion | Takeo | Talik | Tamonte | Tario |
Tarmarious | Tashard | Tatum | Tavarius | Tavell |
Tavis | Taylen | Tazwell | Teddy | Teion |
Terek | Terryl | Tevari | Tevoris | Thaddeus |
Thaireee | Thayne | Therman | Threston | Tiontay |
Tivonte | Tomas | Tonell | Townley | Travaris |
Travone | Tre Kell | Tremon | Trever | Trivelle |
Troylen | Tycen | Tykeim | Tyndall | Tyrice |
Tyzee | Ujunwa | Usher | Uterius |
Vance | Varnan | Varrien | Vennie | Vequain |
Verne | Vincent | Vondell | Voshon | Vytal |
Waylen | Webber | Wendall | Wilber | Willett |
Wilmer | Winford | Wyees | Xavier | Xavion |
Xeric | Yaheem | Yamen | Yardley | Yasper |
Yazen | Yiannis | Yorell | Zackaree | Zaderian |
Zamari | Zaniel | Zaquan | Zareen | Zaverie |
Zawnté | Zebulee | Zeeshan | Zephan | Zhaire |
Zharvis | Zishan | Zohn | Zuberi |
Choosing a Meaningful Name for Your Baby Boy
Choosing a meaningful or unique name for your baby boy is one of the many joys of preparing for his birth. No matter if you choose a family name or something from this list, you're sure to instill a sense of pride as you give your child a powerful name that is perfect for him and reflective of your family's history or cultural heritage.