Two of the great benefits of speeches for kids is that children of all ages can learn about public speaking and cultivating their ability to self-reflect. From school presentations to extracurricular activities, these speech topics are a terrific way to spark interesting conversations among students. and insightful debates
Problem Solving
Topics based on problem solving are fun to discuss and think about. They ignite creativity and make for awesome speech topics no matter your child's age.
For Younger Kids
Problem solving topics for younger children give them practice processing trickier subjects and questions. Younger kids can consider:
- How do I make myself feel better when I feel sad or angry?
- What is the hardest choice I had to make in this past week?
- Why do I recycle?
- Why is it important to listen to my parents?
- What does laughter feel like in my body?
For Older Kids
Older children can think about more challenging questions and prompts when it comes to problem solving. Some options include:
- What are my solutions for protecting the environment?
- How we can help (insert endangered species) thrive?
- How does stress impact me?
- How I respect others with different opinions?
- How did I conquer my biggest fear?
- How do I resolve arguments with friends?
- How have I tackled challenging decisions?
Developing Insight
Insight is incredibly important for kids to learn how to develop. Because this is a learned process, using a speech writing prompt is a great way to begin better understanding self-reflection.
For Younger Kids
Younger kids are well versed in feeling strong emotions, making these great speech options. Consider the following choices for their speech.
- Why are my feelings important?
- What makes me feel the happiest?
- How do I know when I feel sad?
- Where do I feel happiness in my body?
- What does it feel like when my parents say no to me?
For Older Kids
Older children can be pushed to think more about how emotions and situations personally impact them. The following questions can help get your child's creativity going.
- What have my emotions taught me?
- Can fear be a helpful or positive emotion?
- How do I typically deal with challenging situations?
- Do I feel comfortable asking for help?
- What does integrity mean to me?
Creative Topics
Creative topics are always fun to explore with students, and they can make for entertaining speeches. The following prompts can be discussed with older and younger children to help them begin writing their speech.
For Younger Kids
Younger children have great imaginations. You can discuss the following with them for potential speech topics.
- What would I do if I traded places with one of my parents?
- What would I do if I had superpowers for one day?
- What would my dream house look like?
- If I could be any animal for a day, what I would be?
- What is the grossest food combination?
For Older Kids

Creative speeches give older schoolchildren an opportunity to think outside the box and share their ideas with their peers. They can consider:
- What motivates my actions?
- If I could change the world in any way, what would I do?
- What is a positive moment that happened within the last week?
- Why does dancing make me happy?
- Which television character do I identify the most with?
World Views
It's always interesting to hear a child's take on the world. Both younger and older children may have strong opinions about their experiences in the world.
For Younger Kids
Younger children have such a unique and interesting view of their world. Help them get their creative juices flowing with the following prompts.
- What's the coolest part about living on Earth?
- Who do I think should be in charge?
- What's the weirdest part about living in (insert country)?
- Where is the furthest away from home you've ever been and what was different about it?
For Older Kids
- What do I like about the world I live in?
- What do I think needs to change in the world?
- If I were in charge, what would my first act be?
- Should people live on other planets?
Creating Interesting Speeches
Help your kids pick a topic or question that interests them. This ensures that they will enjoy thinking about writing a great speech that they feel passionate about.