Names with religious symbolism are important for devout practitioners of the Catholic faith. There are many options for saint girl names to follow your family's faith when naming a new child. In addition to looking for a beautiful name, also explore female saint names and meanings when considering your choices. This will allow you to bless your daughter with a name that truly reflects what your Christian faith means to you.
List of Female Saints and Their Meanings
The saints listed below represent some of the most popular saint-based Catholic names for girls. Each of these saints is well known in the church for her good works and piety. If you want people to know immediately that your daughter has been named for a saint, consider picking a Catholic saint name for your baby girl.

- Agatha of Sicily - This beloved virgin martyr is the patron saint of Sicily, as well as people suffering from breast cancer. People also pray to Agatha of Sicily for protection against fire. The name Agatha is Greek. It means "noble in spirit."
- Agnes of Rome - Also a beloved virgin martyr, Agnes of Rome is the patron saint of engaged couples, young girls, and gardeners. The name Agnes is Latin for "lamb" and Greek for "pure."
- Anne - The mother of the Virgin Mary, Anne is the patron saint of mothers and miners. The name Anne means "full of grace" and has origins in the English, French, and Hebrew languages.
- Beatrice of Silva - Also known as Beatriz, Beatrice of Silva is a Portuguese saint who is the patron of prisoners. Her name is Latin in origin. It means "bearer of happiness."
- Bernadette - After being instructed to do so via a vision, Bernadette drank from the spring at Lourdes, which was then miraculously cleaned. Lourdes is a major holy site for Catholics. The name is German and French and means "brave as a bear."
- Brigid of Kildare - Also known as "the Mary of the Gael," Brigid is the patron saint of the harvest, the hearth, babies, fertility, blacksmiths, and boatmen. The name means "exalted one" in the Celtic language.
- Catherine of Alexandria - Also known as "Saint Catherine of the Wheel," she is the patron saint of scholars, philosophers, and crafters who work with wheels (such as spinners and potters). The name is Greek and Latin in origin and means "pure."
- Cecilia - Saint Cecilia is the patron saint of musicians and poets. Her name means "blind" or "one-eyed" and comes from Latin.
- Clare of Assisi - Founder of the Order of Poor Ladies or "Poor Clares," she was also the first woman to write a set of monastic guidelines. She is the patroness of goldsmiths, embroiderers, and weather. The name is Latin and means "illustrious one."
- Elizabeth Ann Seton - The first native-born American to become a saint, Elizabeth Seton established the first free Catholic girls' school in the U.S. and founded the Sisters of Charity. Her name is Hebrew and means "God is my oath."
- Elizabeth of Hungary - The name Elizabeth belongs to more than one saint. Elizabeth of Hungary is known for the "Miracle of Roses." She is the patron saint of people who have difficulty dealing with an illness.
- Helena - A Roman Empress who converted to Christianity, Helena is the patron saint of archeologists, converts, and people who are divorced. Her name means "bright or shining one."
- Joan - The "Maid of Orleans," also known as Joan of Arc or Jeanne d'Arc, she helped lead the French to win the Hundred Years' War. She is the patron saint of soldiers. Her name is English in origin and means "God's grace."
- Lucy of Syracuse -Subject to persecution for being a Christan during her lifetime, Lucy of Syracuse is the patron saint of the blind. Her name is of Latin origin and means "bright" or "light."
- Margaret of Antioch - Also known as Marine or Marina, Margaret of Antioch was a virgin martyr. She is a patron saint for pregnant women.
- Mary - Also referred to as the Mother of God and the Blessed Virgin Mary; the name Mary is one of the most popular Catholic names for girls. Miryam is the Hebrew form of Mary. In Hebrew, "mar" means bitter and "yam" means sea.
- Rita - An Italian saint, Rita is the patron saint of parenthood, troubled marriages, and lost causes. Her name comes from the Latin word "Margarita" which means "pearl."
- Rose of Lima - She is the patron saint of Peru (her home country) and Latin America, as well as embroiderers, florists, and gardeners. The name Rose comes from the Latin word for the flower.
- Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross -Originally named Edith Stein, she is a patron saint of Europe, as well as martyrs and converts from Judaism. The name is English and means "prosperous in war." She died in a gas chamber at Auschwitz.
- Teresa of Calcutta - Also known as Mother Teresa, she founded the Missionaries of Charity and is well known for many good works. She is the patron saint of World Youth Day and the Missionaries of Charity. The name is Greek for "to harvest."
Female Saints Who Were Doctors of the Church
The title Doctor of the Church is bestowed on saints who have helped to further Catholic doctrine through study and writing. Only 36 saints are given this title, four of whom are women. If you're looking for a name that denotes a scholarly and educated child, consider one of these names:
- Hildegard of Bingen - Often referred to as the "Sibyl of the Rhine," Hildegard oversaw an abbey and was also a writer and composer. She founded the science of natural history in Germany. Her name is German and means "comrade in arms."
- Catherine of Siena - She wrote The Dialogue of Divine Providence and is the patron saint of Europe and Italy. She is also the patroness of nurses, people who are ill, and those who have suffered miscarriages.
- Teresa of Avila - She wrote the treatise Interior Castle and is the patron saint of people who need grace or who are persecuted for religious piety. Her name has origins in the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages.
- Thérèse of Lisieux - Known as the "Little Flower," her journal Story of a Soul is a widely-read Catholic document. Her name is a French variation on Teresa or Theresa.
Uncommon Female Saint Names
Not all female saint names are as widely-used as the ones listed above. Many lesser-known names for girl saints have wonderful meanings and originally belonged to namesakes who were responsible for important works in the eyes of God. If you're looking for an unusual baby name that's linked to a saint who is meaningful to your family, consider these uncommon options:

- Afra - She is the patron saint of the abbey in Augsburg, Bavaria, as well as patroness to martyrs, converts, and penitent women. The name means "pale red" in Arabic and "woman of Africa" in Latin.
- Anastasia of Sirmium - She is called "Delivered from Potions" and is the patron saint of martyrs, widows, and weavers. as well as people who have been poisoned. Her name means "resurrection" in Greek.
- Apollonia - She is the patron saint of dentists and the field of dentistry. The name Appolonia is the female version of Apollo, which is the name of the Greek god of the sun.
- Bibiana - Not much is known about Bibiana, but she is the patron saint of single laywomen of the church, victims of torture, and those who suffer from mental illness, epilepsy, and hangovers. Her name means "life" in Latin.
- Dymphna - An Irish saint, Dymphna is a patroness of people with mental illness and disorders of the nervous system. Her name is Celtic and means "young deer."
- Faustina - Often called the "Apostle of Divine Mercy," Faustina is known for her diary recounting her visions of Jesus. Her name is Latin and means "fortunate."
- Gemma Galgani - An Italian saint known as the "gem of Christ" and the "Daughter of the Passion," she is the patron saint of pharmacists, students, paratroopers, and parachutists. Her name is Latin and means "precious stone."
- Gianna Molla - A pediatrician and patron saint of doctors, pregnant mothers, and unborn children, Gianna Molla was the first female doctor and working mother to be canonized. Her name is Italian for "God is gracious."
- Gobnait - A medieval Irish saint, Gobnait is the patron saint of bees. She is also referred to as Abigail or Deborah. The name Gobnait means "little smith" in the Celtic language.
- Jacinta Marto - She is the patroness of prisoners, people who are ill, and people who are persecuted for their religious faith. The name Jacinta is Greek for "beautiful." In Spanish, it means "hyacinth."
- Kateri Tekakwitha - Often called "the Lily of the Mohawks" or "the Flower of the Algonquin," she became the first Native American saint. She is the patroness of Native Americans, exiled people, and the environment. Her name means "pure."
- Odilia of Cologne - Another virgin martyr, Odilia of Cologne is the patron saint of good eyesight. Her name means "wealth" and comes from German.
- Philomena - Saint Philomena is the patron saint of babies, children of all ages, virgins, and forgotten causes. Her name means "lover of strength" in Greek.
- Quitéria - A Portuguese saint, people pray to Quitéria for protection against rabies. She was one of nine children.
- Ursula - She is the patron saint of archers, orphans, female students, and the country of England. Her name is from Latin and means "little bear."
- Zita - She is an Italian saint who is the patron of maids, domestic servants, and food servers. People pray to her for help finding lost keys. Her name comes from Italian and means "female child" or "maiden."
Female Saint Names of African Descent
The female saints listed below are of African descent. Some lived in service to God during the earliest days of the church, while others' contributions took place in more modern times.

- Felicitas - She died with St. Perpetua in the Roman games under Emperor Severus and was one of the first martyred Christians. She is the patron saint of mothers, ranchers, and butchers. The name is Latin and means "good fortune and happiness."
- Josephine Bakhita - She was born in Sudan and sold into slavery as a child. She is the patron saint of her home country and a survivor of human trafficking. Her name is from Hebrew and means "God will increase."
- Katherine Drexel - She established around 50 missions in the U.S. to help Native Americans. She is the patron saint of racial justice and philanthropists. Her name comes from Greek and means "pure."
- Maura of Antinoe - An Egyptian laywoman, she was martyred with her husband, Saint Timothy, in the third century. The name Maura means "dark-skinned" in Greek.
- Monica of Hippo - She is the patron saint of relatives who convert to Catholicism and grieving mothers. The name Monica is Latin for "advisor."
- Perpetua - Along with St. Felicitas, she was one of the first martyred Christians in ancient Rome. The name is Latin and means "perpetual."
- Thaïs - An Egyptian saint, she was a famous courtesan who repented and converted to Christianity. Her story is the subject of books, movies, and plays. The name originates from Greek and means "beautiful goddess."
- Thecla - A saint from the early years of the church around the second century, she is revered for being the model for martyrs and virgins. She is the patron saint of computers and the internet. Her name comes from Greek and means "glory of God."
- Victoria of Albitina - This 4th-century saint was a North African noble. The name Victoria is Latin and means "victory."
Choosing a Saint Name for a Girl's Confirmation
Girl saint names are a favored choice for Christian families who want to honor their faith with a religious name for their newborn daughter. The names of female Catholic saints and their meanings become important again when it's time for a young woman's confirmation in the Catholic faith. Some girls use their given Christian name, but that is not required. Many explore alternate confirmation names for girls and select the name of a saint who resonates with them and their personal relationship with God. While parents typically choose a baby's name, Catholic girls usually select their own confirmation name.
Picking a Catholic Saint Name for Your Baby Girl
Whether you're looking for a saint's name for an infant, or for an adolescent on the precipice of confirmation, researching female saints and what their names mean will help you learn more about their life and work in the service of God. For even more religious names, consider a selection of Christian baby names to discover a name that really speaks to your heart.