Multiplication Madness will challenge students' knowledge of multiplication tables up to 12. The free, printable game features an easy board and a more difficult board. The provided answer keys make Multiplication Madness perfect for self-directed play in classrooms or at home.
Multiplication Madness
The free, printable game boards and answer keys require players to have the ability to solve simple multiplication problems. The game is best suited for kids who have learned their multiplication tables but would benefit from practice. Depending on the state standards and type of schooling, 3rd-5th graders should be able to play.

Download and Print
To download and print the game, click on the Multiplication Madness image to get started. Download the game then click on the printer icon to print it. For repeated use, it is best to print the game boards on thick paper and laminate them. The printable includes two game boards, one easy and one hard, with answer keys. If you need help using the printables, consult the guide for Adobe printables.
How to Play
Any number of kids can play Multiplication Madness, however, due to space constraints, it is ideal for two to four players to use a single board. A bit of luck and some math skills are all a kid needs to be the first player to reach the 'End' space.
Game Set Up
To play the game you will need:
- Printed Multiplication Madness game board
- Printed answer key
- A small coin (or another small game piece) per player
- One larger coin (half a dollar, quarter, or dollar) per board
To avoid any confusion during game play, be sure each player has a different game piece. Also, make sure the coin used for flipping cannot be confused with any game pieces.
Game Play
Once all players have chosen a game piece, they can be placed on the 'START' space. Choose a player to go first. Game play then moves clockwise.
- On her first turn, the player should flip the large coin then follow the correct direction indicated on the board.
- The player will then try to solve the equation shown on the space she has moved to. Players only attempt to solve one equation on each turn.
- If the player solves the equation correctly, he will get to flip the coin again on his next turn.
- If the player does not solve the equation correctly, he will stay on the same space and try to solve it again on his next turn. In this case, the player does not flip the coin on his next turn.
- Repeat step two for each player, in turn.
- The first player to reach the 'END' space is the winner.
Game Adaptations
The 'Easy' game features multiplication facts up to five while the 'Hard' game tackles facts from 6-12. Multiplication Madness can be played in a classroom setting where kids at different skill levels can be separated using different boards. The game can also be played at home or on an individual basis.
- Make it an individual game by having one child race through the game board to see how fast she can win.
- Make it a group race by giving each player a board. The player to make it to the end of his board first is the winner.
- Eliminate the need for a flipping coin by designating one player to always move in the 'heads' direction and another in the 'tails' direction.
How to Create a Multiplication Game
Making a multiplication game can be easy, fun, and ensure you are focusing on the facts your students need to master.
- Start by choosing the type of game (card, board, dice, active) you will create. Consider factors like expected number of players and anticipated time frame for game play.
- Decide on the multiplication facts or types of equations you would like to include. Consider the skill level of the players and keep the focus specific. For example, use only facts for five and ten or exclude all 'easier' facts like those for zero and one.
- Create a game using paper and pencil or a program like Google Slides.
- Write the instructions for game play.
- Test out your game and rules to see if they are clear and correct.
Educational Fun
Playing games helps kids have fun while learning. Practicing multiplication facts using Multiplication Madness, or even a multiplication table printable, can take the pressure and stress out of a sometimes difficult task.