Exploring Teen Life Through Poetry

Poems capturing the essence of teenage experiences and emotions

Updated February 6, 2025

An Emotional Experience


Poems about being a teenager can touch upon many aspects of life, ranging from teenage angst to teen love. The struggle for identity and social acceptance, complex relationships, and physical changes make this stage of life difficult at times, but the rich experiences can be explored in poetry for teenagers.

The Friendship Dance


By Michele Meleen

Best friends for life,
that's what we said.
Somehow now,
that friendship's dead.

A new best friend,
the same agreement made.
But, that too
began to fade.

The friendship dance
goes round and round
eventually though,
true friendship is found.

Dear Mom, It's Still Me


By Michele Meleen

Dear Mom,
It's still me you see.
I may look different,
sound older,
do more on my own.
But, I'm still me
because of you,
I've just become
the best version
of myself yet.

A Hesitant Hand


By Michele Meleen

A hesitant hand
moves closer to yours today.
will we or won't we?

The Me in the Mirror


By Michele Meleen

Who is this person
I see in the mirror?
What does he stand for?
What will he become?

The me in the mirror
looks familiar,
yet strange.
How can I match
the me I used to be
with the one I now see?

Loving is Losing


By Michele Meleen

Loving you
means losing
a part of me
in you.

Lost in your eyes,
at home in your heart,
loving is losing
the battle
between head and heart.

Until Then


By Michele Meleen

the future
in the air.

and dream,
until then
When future
becomes now.

Poem About Becoming a Teenager


By Michele Meleen

Like a flower
I blossom.
From seed
to stem
to bud.

The teenage years
open wide
as the flower
allowing light and dark
to influence
my life.

Whatever, As If


By Michele Meleen

As if,
That's all you think we say.

With brains of mush
and selfish desire
The world dismisses our way.

Teening is Tough


By Michele Meleen

Adults say adulting
is hard as can be.
But, it's nothing
compared to teening
as far as I can see.

Independence stifled,
always met with a pause,
never able to act
like a rebel
without a cause.

Teening is tough,
good luck to us all.
Adulting will be there
as comfort after the fall.

Free to Be Me


By Michele Meleen

No worries of work
mortgages and kids.
No Joneses to keep up with.
No life dress code.

As a teen,
I'm free to be me
who I am
and will forever be.

Teen Life in Poetic Form


Reading poems that reflect both the triumphs and struggles in teen life can help you navigate this eventful time. Writing poems about teenage life gives you the chance to show others what adolescence really feels like. Whether you're reading it or writing poetry, lyrical verses capture the spirit of the teen years.

Exploring Teen Life Through Poetry